Ratna's eyes tear up. She didn't know what to say, how to respond to Khushi's sugar-coating words.


"Haan" she choked.

"What happened, Aunty...?"

"Nothing... Stay blessed. May God bless you to get all the happiness in the world."

Khushi smiled.

"Thank you, Aunty"

"But, you should consider what I said... I know you won't do that right away. But, if you don't find any progress in your relationship with Chotte even after three months, you should think about it... ok?"

"Aunty, please..."

Cutting her,

"For me..."

"Ok... I will think about it after three months"

"Don't think I'm asking this just because I'm emotional. I won't forget this. I will come to Mumbai after three months for sure. You can't hide the truth from me" Ratna warned.

"But, were not you fine with our marriage...?"

"Yes, I was... Whatever the problem between the couple is, they should sort it out without anyone's knowledge. When he doesn't hesitate to bring it in open, he won't give a chance to this relationship. Then what's the point in asking you to stay in this relationship? You have all the potential to stand up for yourself. Please know your worth."

Khushi was silently listening to Ratna.

"It may sound weird. After making you married to Chotte, I should not talk like this. At the same time, I don't want to be selfish. You look very beautiful... Gotten a very good job... why should you waste your life on someone who doesn't want to give you a chance Khushi?"

"Relax Aunty. I think you should make yourself calm."

"You too make yourself calm and think with a clear mind... analyze every aspect of that matter... Not only the positive side but also the negative side. Then decide. Will you?"


"Take care..."

"Bye Aunty"

"Bye beta"

They disconnected the call. Ratna felt guilty. She was not fine with what she asked for Khushi. She believed if Khushi shows a bit of difference in her behavior with Arnav, it will shake Arnav to the core. Because people don't realize the excellence of the person until they were getting favors from them. But if they stopped getting it, they will realize what they lost. Ratna thought the same in Arnav's matter. She was not wrong. It is going to happen with Arnav as Ratna expected.

On the other side, Khushi felt helpless. Khushi was a little taken aback knowing Arnav's interest in sending her back. Of course, she knew that already but she didn't think he will take the matter to Ratna. Ratna was not wrong. A couple's problem should be in between them. Why Arnav wants her to leave Mumbai when she doesn't disturb him...? No doubt he doesn't like her. She had hope for him before because she thought he will understand her in some days as he permitted her to stay with him. She was disappointed now. Is she expecting a lot from him? He should have chided Ratna. That's why Ratna spoke to her about it very seriously. Maybe Ratna was right. She should be ready to face anything. What if Arnav doesn't accept her? What will she do then? of course, she won't marry anyone no matter whether he accepts her or not. It does not mean, she can be taken for granted. She decided what to do further. If he wants her in his life, he will do attempts to make it possible. If he doesn't show interest, she should decide whether she should be with him or not.

But the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law don't know their conversation is going to play an important role in changing Arnav's mind.

Khushi came with Arnav's phone. She saw him watching the news, sitting in the living room. Keeping the phone in front of him on the tea table, she walked to her room and said nothing. She didn't even spare a glance at him alarmed Arnav. Taking the phone, he rushed to his room.

Inserting the earphone into his mobile, he heard their conversation. Arnav's anger rose to no limit.

What he said and what did his mother had done? He just asked Khushi to leave Mumbai to check whether she agrees or not. But his mother blew the balloon to the extent that can be burst out anytime. What the hell... how could she ask his wife to marry someone? Doesn't Khushi's statements make sense? When she is ready to give him time, why his mother is not fine with that? They are married and his mother gives him only three months to show progress. He felt Khushi's voice choking. What will be her decision? Will she marry someone... who values her... loves her? He was nervous because the one who advised Khushi is none other than his mother. He was angry like hell with Ratna. What kind of mother she is? Which mother would ask her daughter-in-law to marry someone, leaving his son? Will Khushi marry someone leaving him? No, she won't. She loves him a lot. She didn't even want to have lunch with strangers men alone. That's why she requested Aman to invite him to lunch. If it is so, how could she think of marrying someone? A girl like Khushi will never think of anyone other than her husband.

Arnav's nervousness raised his frustration. He was frustrated with Ratna. She got him married without his acceptance and now she wants his wife to leave him... what stupidity is this...!

That's when his phone flashed with Ratna's number. He gritted his teeth. Without any second thought, he attended the call.

Before Ratna said anything,

"Why did you call me now, to tell me that you have done a very good job?" He sneered.

To be continued...

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