I looked up and saw him smirking. "Rise and Shine, little sis!"

I sent him a playful glare, "How dare you destroy my rock blanket."

I got up and we headed towards dad who was slightly ahead of us.

When we reached the top of the mountain there was a broken bridge stopping us from crossing.

Lloyd laughed. "Who needs bridges when you can manifest a Golden Dragon--"

"You rely to much on your golden power." Dad told Lloyd."Let this be a lesson. Center yourself, and move the mountain with your mind."

"What?" Lloyd asked shocked. "Move that? Are you kidding?"

I busted out laughing. "Haha...good one, Dad, move it with your mind..hahaha!"

Dad staired at me with a blank face and I stopped laughing.

My eyes widened, "Wait! You're being  serious?!"

"Yes." He says."Find your balance. Concentrate."

Lloyd sighed and walked towards the edge of the mountain.

He closed his eyes and started to concentrate.

I heard rumbling and saw a few boulders fall down the mountain ahead of us.

"No way..."

He picked up the top half of the mountain and continued to try and make a bridge with the broken pieces.

He was halfway done until he lost control and the force of the boulders knocked us off our feet.

"This is pointless!" Lloyd barked. "Especially when I can do this."

He summoned his golden dragon and made a bridge with its fire

I shrugged and used my powers to make the bridge more stylish while crossing it. (Like Elsa when she makes a bridge.)

"I'm not the first Spinjitzu Master, and I never wanted to be." Lloyd says. "We're the Gold and Silver Ninja."

Dad sighed and followed us over the bridge.

We continued through the mountains, but one of them seemed to be unstable.

"Careful, you two." Dad warns.

Dad and Lloyd make their way across while I'm a few feet behind them.

But then all of a sudden the mountain starting shaking.

"What's happening!?" I questioned.

"(Y/n), jump!" Lloyd yelled.

I jumped towards the both of them, trying to at least grab on to the cliff....but I missed.

"(Y/n)!" Dad and Lloyd called.

I looked down and saw I was about to reach the ground. "S-Senka! Help!"

"I'm on it!"

We went into shadow form and we went through the ground.

We continued to fall until Senka turned got us out of shadow form and I landed on a rough surface.


"Sorry, but we had to land somewhere."

I nodded and got off the ground.

I decided to look where we were and realized that I was being watched.

By what you may ask.


'Oh, boy.'

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