Blurry Images

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"Come on, Dusty! Let's do something! I'm bored!" A sweet voice chimed, making me smile.

"Bored~? I think I know how to help with that~" I growled lowly, my voice naturally deepening. The person before shivered, a soft whimper echoing from their lips. It made me feel alive!

"D-Dusty~?" Their voice sounded so needy, and I hadn't done anything yet! How beautiful~

I pulled him to me as he pulled me to him, both of us desperate for a kiss. Our kiss was deep and loving, passionate in every form of the word. Our hands glided over our bodies, this insatiable need growing between them.

I slowly pulled away, trying to look down at the person that was in my arms. Except I couldn't see them. They were just a blurry blue image. I couldn't make a single detail out! Nothing!

"Who are you?" I found myself whispering, cupping their face.

They laughed a little, but it sounded like they were in pain, so close to crying. So close to it, I was surprised I hadn't felt their tears. Why were they sad? Who were they? Why was my soul hurting more?

"It doesn't matter... Just close your eyes, ______" The last words were fuzzed, glitching together in a strange language that it was as if they said nothing.

Yet, I knew they said something. My soul yearned to know what those words were, yet my soul cried in pain what they told me it didn't matter. How was not knowing them unimportant? How could I not see them when I know they're so beautiful? How do I even know that?

"Please... Let me see you... I need to see you." I begged, pressing my skull against theirs. 

A soft sniffle could be heard from them. I didn't like the noise.

"I can't... You don't want to see me..." They sounded hurt, their voice cracking at the end.

Pain continued to filled my soul. No, I did! I had to see them! I had to know who they were!

"_____, we must go... He's waking up." A new voice called out, it sounding both far away and close at the same time. I frowned deeply. Who was waking up?

"Right... I'm sorry, Dusty..." He whispered, his lips catching mine before I could say a word. "I miss you."

He pulled away from my body completely, letting me see only a small blurry blue figure. He was so tiny, it was a wonder on how we were able to kiss so comfortably. He continued to move away, this time going next to someone I could only describe as a walking sunshine.

I tried to reach out for him, for that shiny blue light. I had to have him! I can't! I can't lose him! He was mine! Yet, he was growing fainter and fainter, disappearing faster than I could move my legs, further than I could reach!

"No! Come back!" I screamed as suddenly there was this blinding flash of light.

I gasped some, jolting up from the bed, breathing heavily as if I had a nightmare. Maybe I did, I wouldn't know... So many things were just... Blurred and fizzed together...

Blinking some, I felt my eyes water. It was a weird feeling. I don't remember the last time I had cried, yet here I was. Crying over someone I couldn't even remember. Still, I wanted to remember them... I wanted to know them and who they were...

Why can't I remember who they were?

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