Unknown Sanses

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"What do you want?" Honey had his eyes narrowed at us.

I scowled at him, narrowing my own eyes at him. Seems like he hasn't changed. I really wanted to snap at him, but from the mild glare that I'm receiving from Reaper, I kept quiet. We needed him to tell us about Blue.

"We're not here for a fight, Honey." Reaper moved between me and the Papyrus, his voice sounding firm.

The smoking monster rolled his eyes, looking unconvinced. "Then why're ya here? Don't ya have a treaty with the Star Sanses?" He looked bored for a moment before confusion twisted on his face.

We looked at each other then at him, confused as well. The Star Sanses... Was that the group that kept us from taking over the multiverse? Yeah... It had to be the group Blue was part of... His door, along with the others, all seemed to be star or night themed!

"Do you know who the members are?" Lu asked, stepping forward.

Honey looked down for a moment, the confusion worsening before distraught appeared. His eyes looked wide as he looked back up at us, pain crossing his face.

"I... I don't remember my brother." He whispered.

His whispered words made us tense. He doesn't remember his brother? His Sans?

Quickly, but carefully, I pulled out the paper with Blue and him drawn on it. Without saying anything, I showed him the paper. He stared at the picture, his confusion and devastated look worsening.

"I-I..." He took a deep breath for a moment before pulling away from the paper as if it had burned him. "I know him, but... I don't?" He shook his head, placing a hand there a moment later.

It wasn't just us who had forgotten them it seemed. It felt as if only lingering memories or old habits were what connected us to the past. To these Star Sanses.

Narrowing my eyes at the ground for a moment, I began to speed-walk to Honey's house. I was really only going off a hunch. What if Blue was Honey's Sans? Maybe his room would be intact enough for us to know some more about him... Even the littlest thing could help!

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" I felt a hand breeze against the hood of jacket, but the sound of rustling fabric informed me that Reaper stopped him from touching me. Which was a good idea, I don't know if I would've held back from stabbing him.

"He's going to see if our mystery person is your missing brother." Reaper's voice held a darker tone to it, causing even me to shiver.

I blinked that away as I picked up my pace. I felt like I had to hurry, like if I waited much longer, his room would be gone. Maybe it would be. Maybe he and the other Star Sanses made themselves disappear. But why?

I blinked that away too. What mattered now was that I just needed to get there.

It wasn't long before I was in that house, nor was it long before I was in a blue themed room. It was like a usual Papyrus's room, but blue and smaller. I looked around, trying to find something that told me the real him... Yet, there was nothing. Not even a damn diary bragging about how great he was!

"He wouldn't have forgotten any of it..." I flinched back at my own words, confusion making me scowl. What did I mean by that?

Sighing heavily, I rubbed my head and joined the group downstairs. They were talking about something or another, but I didn't care. It didn't pertain to my Bluejay.

The conversation halted when they finally saw me. Then Reaper and Lu stood up and nodded their goodbyes to Honey before we all left. I felt annoyed though. We know they exist, yet we have no memory of them. It was frustrating.

As we went back to our new AU, I narrowed my eyes down on the ground. It didn't matter if no one else remembered him. I will find my Bluejay and make him mine once more. Nothing is going to stop me from doing that.

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