The Blue Stranger

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My feet naturally moved on their own at my last thought. I knew, subconsciously, where somewhere was safe and quiet. So, I allowed my feet to take me there.

The walk through the forest that seemed to be the whole AU, was peaceful. There was the soft chirping and cricketing of the animals, I was even able to catch the sight of a deer! It was nice to actually see animals that aren't trying to run away from me. Animals in my AU and most others, would just quiet and hide from me. I don't mind this, they're being smart. They know I'm a predator. These animals, they're smart, but they seem to think I'm not dangerous. Odd.

Blinking those unimportant thoughts away, I continued to walk forward. The forest was familiar in a sense, but I didn't understand why. Had I been down this way before? More likely... I would've explored this AU, making sure that I could hide or disappear with ease.

"I really miss him."

I stopped where I was, hidden by the large trees and thick bushes. I was just a few feet from being spotted by someone. Yet, the voice sounded so familiar... It was a beautiful voice too.

Blinking again, I crouched down some and crept closer to where the voice was. It was easy to spot them. They weren't even hiding!

They were... Beautiful in the simplest of terms. They were tiny, their head at least at the bottom of my sternum. They wore a black belly dancer type of pants with a deep grey hoodie over top. Both were splattered with this sharp, almost cyan blue color that seemingly wrapped around their body.

I felt my face grow hot as I stared at them. I may only be able to see half of them, but I know they're a beautiful monster. They... They must be the one that gave me the ring... The one that slept in my bed. They had to be!

I moved a foot forward, about to stand up, when they suddenly whirled around! Instinctually, I ducked down, moving back some. I even held my breath to keep myself quiet. Which ended up being a bad idea as I could finally see their face.

True to what I thought, they were beautiful. Their eyes were this sharp blue color that just glowed with knowledge and kindness. Their face was soft and round, giving them this youthful appearance that matched with their small height. Of course, their eyes were equally as round. They were just... So innocent and kind looking. This look burning something inside me. I didn't understand why, but I wanted to reach out to them.

Their eyes narrowed, looking around them, looking for me. They had probably sensed my presence.

"Ihzala! There you are!" A sharp yellow glow appeared behind Ihzala, as the new stranger called them.

The name felt wrong to hear. As if that wasn't their real name. It most likely wasn't.

"Never..." They muttered, bowing their head, yet they still had turned to the person behind them. I couldn't see that person because of my position, so I didn't know who they were just yet. "I want him back..."

There was a heavy silence before an even heavier sigh.

"I know, Ihzala, but-"

"Stop calling me that! That's not my name! That's!" The blue beauty suddenly started crying, hiccupping and sobbing. I hated that sight. I hated it with a passion, yet I couldn't move my legs to get to them. "That... That's in the past now..."

Another heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry... I know it's hard on you- it's hard on all of us!- but we need to leave them. They! They don't even remember who we are... Do... Do you really want to try and make him remember? Remember that you lied to him. That you kept secrets from him."

"Shut up! I know that! I know! You think I forgot that look on his face when he saw that-that bastard!" They screamed, falling to their knees, their crying only getting worse. "I-I know... I-I can't... I-I don't want..."

I frowned, my soul breaking. I needed to move! I-I had! I had to help them! I can't stand seeing them cry!

Before I could move though, there was a quick flash of golden light, the blue stranger and whoever they were talking to disappeared. I frowned as I stood up.

I had to find them again... I had to find... To find my Blue Jay.

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