More Confusion

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I paused for a second. Where had that name come from? It felt right. It belonged to that blue colored stranger in a strange way.

I shook my head, maybe I should talk with Nightmare. He could rummage through my head, my dreams have been weird. He could sort them out, he will understand them. Though... Him rummaging around my head didn't feel right.

I didn't want him to see something, I knew that. Yet, I wasn't sure what I didn't want him to find. Was it that clearing? What was special about it?

"You seem... stressed." Nightmare's voice called out to me in the foyer.

Looking up, I saw him waiting in the shadows. His cyan eye was strict and firm, yet I could see confusion inside of it. He was confused, that usually isn't a good thing. It usually meant something bad.

I tilted my head at him, silently asking him to talk about what he means. I shouldn't care whether or not he's confused. If he wants to tell me what's wrong, then I'll let him. At the moment, he was saying something about me.

"Your emotions. They're all over the place." A firm tilt of my head. "Anger, confusion, love, lust, annoyance?" He raised an eyebrow. "What's with all that?"

I sighed some, shifting my body a little. I wanted him to find the reason for those...

"I... Believe I saw someone... Someone I don't recognize."

That narrowed cyan eye widen, wonder and nervousness appearing inside of it. It was new for me to see that from him. He hates showing weakness of any kind, even through his eye. Yet, my words got him visibly nervous...

"That could be a problem then..." He murmured, making me frown. What was a problem? Narrowing his eye on me and looked around the hallway before slowly making his way over to me. "You won't say a word of this, but I went home." I raised an eyebrow. What was special about him going home. "I found... paintings and stories of me and... someone else. They were the... The Guardian of Positivity. I know them, but I... I don't know them..." Frustrated confusion formed on the prideful monster's face, making it clear to me that this was important to him.

I bowed my head a little, thinking. So, we both know someone, but don't remember who they were. They both are clearly important to us, very important to us, so it wouldn't make sense to forget them. It really wouldn't! Did they do something to hurt us? Unlikely. Did we do something to hurt them? Probably, but why would we forget them over something like that?

I huffed a little, annoyance flooding me. I didn't like this. I didn't like not knowing who this Blue Jay was. I needed to know who he was. 

Glancing at Nightmare, I could see that he looked uncomfortable. I sighed some before crossing my arms. We needed help, but I didn't want to say that. I shook my head to him before moving away from him.

"Talk with Error, he might know." I told over my shoulder as I began to walk towards my room. Error is an old God; he should know whoever Nightmare is talking about.

Suddenly, I paused at my door, lifting my head and looking down my hallway. Something was pulling me towards it. I shook my head and entered my room.

I need sleep, I'll look down the hallway after that.

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