The Rooms

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I stormed down to the dining room, where thankfully everyone was.

"I found new rooms." I snapped out quickly.

Everyone jumped a little, turning their heads to me. They then relaxed, too quickly if I'm being honest.

Error then frowned and looked to Reaper and Nightmare. He then turned back to me, that frown seemingly growing.

"New rooms? But who else would be staying here?" He had a fair point, but I could easily show them the doors.

"Follow." I demanded simply before turning my back to them and walking away.

I could hear chairs scraping against the wooden floor before quick, uneven footsteps. Good, they all were following me. It'd be a hassle to try and play telephone with something this big. Besides, with more pairs of eyes, we probably can find new things. New clues as to what is going on.

Nightmare and Cross stopped at the golden door, their expressions matching. They seemed to know the door, or at the very least the colors. Error paused at the rainbow-galaxy door, his expression turning to a sad type of sour. I went back to the blue door. The others walked between us, probably waiting for one of us to make a move first.

I took a slow, deep breath before I finally turned the doorknob. I paused for a second, questioning if I really wanted to know someone whom I had forgotten. I did, of course I did! Knowing whoever owned this room could help me understand my relationship with Blue Jay! Finally steeling my nerves, I pushed the door open.

Inside, the room looked both abandon and well kept. The air in there was stiff and the large bed was carefully made. Walking into the room, I noticed a pair of blue dyed leather boots sitting in front of a pair of closet doors.

Curious, I walked over to the door and opened them to reveal hanging clothes. Picking up a pair of shirts, I saw that they were carefully ironed and washed. Smelling them, my eyes widen a little. They... They smelled like the clothes from my room... Was I... Was I sleeping with whoever was in this room?

I frowned and looked around from where I stood. Everything was neatly in its place, meaning no one was leaving in a rush of sorts. Looking back into the closet, I noticed that most of the hangers weren't even being used at the moment. Sure, their clothes could've just been dirty, but the hamper in the closet didn't have clothes.

I bit my lip before putting the shirts back. Looking around the room some more, I came to the conclusion that whomever I was sleeping with, liked to keep things neat and orderly. Which wasn't too bad of thing, actually. Other than that, I basically learned nothing. The room lacked any form of personality outside how orderly it was and the blue door.

Soon, I migrated from the Blue room to the Golden room since Error had shut his door. Unlike the door on the outside, inside the room was rather dark. The yellows, reds, oranges, and golds were muddy and mostly muted. Like the Blue room, everything was neatly organized. However, there was much more personality to the room as there were pictures hanging on the walls. They were dark, gothic, abstract pictures, but pictures, nonetheless.

The rest of the Castle residents minus Error, were looking at everything in the room. It was clear they were trying to find something that would tell them who owned the room. Yet, if it was anything like the last room, there probably was nothing.

Sighing under my breath, I focused on Nightmare and Cross, who were leafing through a book with glowing faces and slightly wide eyes. This caused me to raise an eyebrow. What could they be reading that would cause them to go that red in the face?

Before I could think further on the, the Rainbow door was yanked open, a pale faced Error coming out of it. I and the others hurried over to the Destroyer. I quickly noticed he was holding a rather thick looking sketch book. I looked back up to his pale face, giving him a questioning look.

"Spit it out." Nightmare growled, an odd annoyance sounding from him. It was a different annoyance than his usual type, but why was he annoyed like this anyway?

Wordlessly, Error opened the book to a page before showing it to us. I could feel myself tense as I looked right at the expertly drawn picture of every one of us. And clinging to my arm, smiling so brightly and yet so sadly, was him. It was Blue Jay. He... He used to live in this Castle. He used to be with me.

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