One Person

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"Look at them!" Someone cried out, pushing me a little to point a finger at Bluejay, a yellow clad Sans who was in between a lustful looking Nightmare and Cross, and a scarf wearing skeleton who was wielding a giant paint brush. "These have to be their rooms!"

Sneering some, I glared at Horror, who rightfully cowered back from four pointed glares. Sure, he most likely wasn't wrong, but he didn't need to push into me! Nor did he have to shout when we're all already so close together! Dumbass.

"Yes, but... What's their names?" Geno pressed, biting his lip.

I looked back at the illustration. No, looking right at my Bluejay. He was clinging to me, smiling such a fake smile that it looked real. He looked tired, but haunted. Was I hurting him? Was he having to lie about me hurting him to everyone else?

I clenched my hands into fists as a pain burned inside of my chest at these thoughts. I... I had to apologize to him... I don't know why I was thinking that, but I knew I had to... It had to have been my fault that he ran away...

I looked down some, furrowing my brows. In the forest, in the circle, he had said he missed someone, that he had kept secrets and lied to someone... Was that someone me? It had to have been me. I wouldn't have allowed anyone else to touch my Bluejay. But I don't care about those lies or secrets. I want him back! I need him back!

"Blue..." I suddenly called out, getting everyone to stop and stare at me.

I blinked some and looked up to see that Error had turned the page to someone I really hate. UnderSwap Papyrus. He's an annoying bastard that smokes way too much. He's high so often that I can't remember a time when he wasn't! Yet, that wasn't' what made me mad. What did was the fact that he had a hand on my Blue! My Blue, who had to strain an even worse smile!

I scowled before I focused on the mysterious skeleton. Gently, I tapped them as I repeated myself.

"Their name is Blue... I know them..." My tone wavered some as I said that last bit, but I believe it. I once knew Blue, and that was his name, Blue. No one said anything, just letting it go. I huffed some, turning on my heels. "We have someone to talk to." I stated before they could even think of asking me where I was going.

Lust and Reaper quickly got in front of me, though Lust looked a little scared. Reaper kept his soulless eyes narrowed.

"You can't go alone... You'll only start a fight!" The timid Sans snapped at me. As much as I wish to snap back and say they're wrong! But... they weren't.

I huffed before nodding to them. Besides, now that I'm thinking a little bit calmer, even if I didn't start a fight, Honey isn't likely to tell me anything about Blue. If he remembers him.

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