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Shi Nian was stunned where she was, and her whole body was frozen. Only her touch was clear and delicate, she felt Jiang Yu, who contradicted the tip of her nose, and the short hair on his side fell into her ear a little sting.

She opened her eyes wide and unconsciously moved her lower lip.

Wipe Jiang vain's lips through the mask, and the temperature penetrated through the thin cloth, like an ambiguous rubbing.

I've never been so close to boys.

Jiang Yu didn't kiss her for a long time, and soon let her go, retreated a little, and still tilted his head to her close in front of her eyes.

He slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were dark, like a deep pool, and his long but not dense eyelashes trembled gently.

Shi Nian looked at him inch unavoidable, blank and shocked.

The night was quiet, and the moon hung outside the window in the air, sprinkling cold moonlight, reflecting the little girl's side face with a layer of bright light, which was beautiful and thrilling.

His voice was obscure and hoarse: "Will you kiss me again?"

Eating marrow is a terrible thing.

Before she could answer, Jiang Yu lowered his head again, clased his palm around her head, and raised the other hand and pulled away the headphones in her right ear.

The white earphones were hooked on his index finger, thrown on the window sill by him, and then raised his hand to stroke her cheek.

A wide mask covered most of her face, only the mandible and the fine flesh on the ear side were exposed, and Jiang Lu's fingers and abdomen gently rubbed past.

He pinned her hair behind his ears and bent his forefinger to lift her chin.

Breathe the scorching heat.

The temperature of the lip is gradually heating up.

Take time out little by little reason.

There is still a troublesome mask.

He hooked his index finger from the bottom into the edge of her mask and wanted to pull it down. Before he exerted himself, he was pulled by Shi Nian's wrist.

He opened his eyes, with a burning breath and no longer exerting force. His voice was hoarse and unusually: "Huh?"

Shi Niannian felt that he must have started to have a fever again, and he was also angry with him. He still said, "huh?" Obviously, he did such a strange move for no reason.

She stepped back, leaning her back against the edge of the bay window and not crossing her face.

Angrid and ashamed, she gritted her teeth and wanted to scold something, but she really didn't scold anyone.

I heard Jiang's rash smile in my ear again, which was satiated lazy.


She opened her mouth, but she still failed to scold smoothly and with momentum. The ending tone was still soft, and she couldn't tell whether it was scolding or acting coquettish.

Jiang Yu deliberately teased her: "What am I?"

Shi Niannian, don't open your eyes: "... pervert."

Jiang laughed and "fuck" and put on both headphones for her. As soon as she put them on them, she slapped off her hand and "slapped", and her voice was still loud.

"So fierce."

"Don't...touch me."

"I like you," he leaned back and looked at her and asked in a low voice. "Can you kiss again?"

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