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A/N - Hey readers. Just a quote note to say this chapter has been edited specifically the scene between Santiago and Rebecca. Nothing else has changed :) Thanks xoxo

From the moment Amelia fell unconscious on Sam's grubby apartment floor, everyone went into overdrive.

Amelia unconscious body was ripped up off the floor by her manic father. Santiago stood feeling like a spare part as people rushed around the apartment. It took him a solid 10 seconds to jump into action and search for Sam. He needed to let his anger and frustrations out, stat.

Santiago halted his movements as he watched Vinny and Pauly pile onto Sam, beating him black and blue. The only thing Santiago wanted more than to join in on the fun, was to see Amelia. So he took a deep breath and left in search of her.

Noah had already taken Amelia far from the crime scene and to the nearest hospital. It took Santiago 15 minutes to reach the hospital driving 30 miles over the speed limit. The possibility of something happening to either her or their baby made a cold shiver run through Santiago's body.

He parked his car against double red lines, clearly ignoring the 'Ambulance's only' sign. He ran through the hospital, barely slowing down to ask where Amelia had been taken. Finally a nurse pointed Santiago to the right direction and he was back on his way.

Once Santiago had finally made it to Amelia's floor her mother burst out of a room, Santiago watched as she dropped to her knee's crying uncontrollably.

"Annabella, what's wrong? What's happened? Is she okay?" He asked as his heart beat became erratic.

Annabella jumped at the sound of Santiago's voice. She quickly wiped the tears from her face and stood up off the floor, giving him a sad smile.

"You really shouldn't be here Santiago, Noah is on a rampage. I haven't seen him like this for a long time." Annabella said.

"With all due respect Anna, I'm not leaving here until I see Amelia. Is she okay?" He asked again.

"No she's not okay Santiago. She's been drugged, assaulted and to top it all off she's pregnant. So no she's not okay."

Santiago's face mirrored shock as Annabella spoke, not aware that she knew about the pregnancy.

"Annabella, about that. Look I-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Noah stormed out of Amelia's hospital room, his eyes zoning in on Santiago.

"Boss, I'm here to see Amelia." Santiago said. He stood up straight, determined to stand his ground and show his boss he wasn't a punk.

"You must be out of your mind Santiago." Noah stepped closer to Santiago, pushing his chest out to assert some form of dominance. Both of the men stared the other down, not wanting to back away.

Santiago was tired of the games and was desperate to see Amelia. He tried to side step Noah to enter the room but Noah was two steps ahead, moving to block him. Without missing a beat Noah firmly pushed Santiago away from the door, causing him to trip up slightly on his feet.

"Noah, calm down." Annabella said. She was wary of this version of her husband, she didn't want to get in his way but she knew she was the only person that could calm him down.

"Annabella, shut up. Don't think I've forgotten about you keeping their dirty little secret from me." Noah turned his attention back to Santiago.

"You are not allowed to go anywhere near my daughter. This whole time I thought you were doing your job and protecting her, but really you were just using her to fulfil some of your sexual urges. You have a fiancé for fuck sake." Noah turned away from Santiago, looking at him only made him more angry.

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