45 - Part 1

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Apparently, all it took for Santiago to show his face at the Blackwell residence was a breakthrough in Amelia's stalker case.

Amelia had been called out of her bedroom to come downstairs to speak with her bodyguards and her parents.

The summons made Amelia nervous. She hadn't seen Santiago in over two weeks, he was still ignoring all of her calls and texts and above all, she had to tell him she was pregnant with his child.

"Amelia hurry up and come down." Her mother called from downstairs.

Amelia took a quick look at herself in her vanity mirror to see what state she was in. She would be lying if she said she could recognise her reflection in the mirror. Her usual sun-kissed skin had a sickly pale undertone to it. There were deep bags underneath her eyes, for the first time in her life Amelia Blackwell had bags. Plus, her hair was in dire need of a wash and blow dry.

I thought pregnant women were supposed to glow, Amelia thought.

Not bothering with her appearance Amelia made her way downstairs to her fathers study. She felt Santiago's presence as soon as she walked into the room but she refused to look in his direction. She knew that if she did she'd breakdown right in front of everyone.

Her mother left her fathers side as soon as she walked in to stand next to Amelia, a comforting arm wrapped around her waist. Still unaware of his daughters situation Noah threw Amelia a sympathetic smile.

Both Vinny and Pauly were stood in front of Noah's desk, a firm look on both their faces.

Amelia could tell Santiago was stood right by the window, but she stood her ground and didn't look over.

"What's this about Dad?" Amelia finally asked.

Noah was silent for a moment before he let out a deep sigh. "Princess I have good and upsetting news. When we were analysing your social media accounts we found a specific account called, @AmeliaBlackwellIsASlut."

Amelia kept quiet as she listened to her dad speak. She didn't miss the way his jaw tightened as he read out the username. Very creative, Amelia thought.

"This person has posted thousands of hateful, disturbing and insulting things all over your posts. Things that show a deep routed hatred and obsession towards you and we really believe that this person is the person we're looking for." Amelia's father turned his attention away from her to address the room. "We traced the IP address to St James High School and we're sending a team over there Monday morning stat, to see exactly who has been using the specific computer."

If Amelia was paying attention to Santiago she would've caught the way his eyebrows furrowed at Noah's news. "Boss, my fiancé works at St James, I'm sure she can get us in without any commotion." Santiago offered.

The mention of his fiancé made Amelia's insides churn.

"Thanks for the information dad, can I go back upstairs now?" Amelia asked.

Noah hated the fact he wasn't able to protect his daughter. He hated the fact she looked so deflated all because he couldn't find some moron who was obsessing over her life.

"Sure Princess, just one minute okay. I'm heading over to the office to look at the CCTV we've hijacked from the school. We're going to get the tech team to cross reference any faces seen on the footage, to any faces across the web. Vinny, Pauly you two come with me. Santiago I want you to stay here and keep an eye on Amelia. Amelia Princess, I would love if you could get yourself some food before hiding out in your room again, okay?"

Amelia was ready to argue with her dad but frankly, she didn't have the energy.

"Fine" was all she managed to get out.

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