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Amelia was confused as she read the messages Elijah had sent her last night. The messages contained 4 images of a very smiley Amelia as she spoke with Marco.

'Looks like your date went well' Elijah had texted.

Amelia wasn't a stranger to people taking photo's of her without her permission. Sometimes if people saw her around they would ask for a photo with her. It was obvious that someone in the queue for Rossi's had seen and known Amelia yesterday. They could've said hello, rather than taking photos and posting them on instagram.

At least she looked good.

'I was pleasantly surprised. I'll fill you in with the juicy details when I see you' Amelia shot Elijah a quick text back before concentrating on her eggs.

Her mother had made breakfast so she could hear all about Amelia's date last night. Amelia couldn't help but roll her eyes at her mother as she swooned, apparently going on a date with a doctor was impressive.

After breakfast, with the help of her mom, Amelia packed up all the items she was taking down to Happy Days today. Amelia had been going to Happy Days since she was 13 years old and she was excited for her visit today. The girls were going to die when they saw Santiago.

Knock knock knock

Speak of the devil.

Amelia left her mother to answer to door so she could double check she had packed everything she was taking. She could hear her mother giggling like a school girl from her room. Her father would not be impressed.

Santiago isn't even funny, Amelia thought.

Almost ready to go she quickly posted a photo of the outfit she was wearing today. Ass hugging blue jeans with a blue cardigan to match. Amelia made sure to tag Tracy's Boutique where she purchased the cardigan and instantly the likes rolled in. She'd have to go back to Tracy's to see how the sales were. She'd would have to take Santiago with her to prove the power of her influence.

As Amelia made it downstairs she realised her mother had left without saying goodbye. Santiago was sat at the breakfast bar enjoying a sandwich.

"Good morning Santi." Amelia chimed.

As usual Santiago was looking more than delicious in his all black clothing. He may be too intimidating to the girls at Happy Days but it was too late to do anything now.

"Morning." Santiago said, wanting to finish his sandwich in peace.

"You better improve that mood of yours before we head out. We've got a busy day ahead of us." Amelia said. "Did my mom leave any messages for me?" She asked.

Santiago placed his sandwich down, grabbing a tissue to wipe the invisible crumbs from his face. "No she didn't, but she made one hell of a sandwich. Your mother is, what is it you Americans say?"

Amelia waited for him to finish his sentence. If he was about to insult her mother in any way she had no issue slapping the sexy outta him.

"Ah yes, a MILF!" Santiago chuckled to himself before going back to his sandwich.

Amelia's eyes narrowed. He thinks her mom is hot. What about her, she looked just like her mom. Kind of. Maybe he was into redheads, that would explain a few things.

"You know, people tend to say I look just like my mother." Amelia said. She moved her way right into Santiagos personal space. Even sitting down he was still taller than her. She placed one of her hands under his chin, forcing him to look at her.

Santiagos eyes were a mesmerising shade of brown. His eyelashes were thick and jet black, fanning his face perfectly. "Really?" Santiago said, looking Amelia up and down. "I don't see it," he said with a smile.

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