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"Santiago this place is a mess, clean this shit up!" Rebecca bellowed from the living room.

Santiago grunted as he helped himself to another beer from the fridge. Ever since Rebecca had shared that she was sick, she had been doing Santiago's head in. Even more than usual.

He let out a breath as he heard the front door shut behind her. He had told her to take some time off from work until they heard back from the doctor, but she insisted that she still wanted to live her life.

Santiago wished he could follow that sentiment. He hadn't been working for the past 3 weeks. He explained to Noah that his fiancé had cancer and his boss was more than understanding.

It made Santiago feel uneasy not being at the Blackwell residence for so long, but he had to take care of Rebecca.

Santiago sat himself down in the living room, helping himself to a slice of pizza that was left out from last night.

He sat in silence, sipping his beer, trying to distract his mind from doing what he really wanted to do. His distraction plan was successful for a solid 30 seconds before he whipped out his phone.

He opened up the Instagram app straight away.

His news feed was exactly the same as the last time he cheeked. Meaning, Amelia still hadn't updated anything on her page. He let out a frustrated groan before he continued to take a look anyway.

He had scrolled through hundreds of Amelia's photo's these past weeks, every single one of them brought a smile to his face.

Only this time one of the photo's caused Santiago to pause in his pursuit of scrolling.

He took a rough gulp of air as he looked down at the smiling Amelia. This photo was different than any of her other ones. Santiago could tell she was at Happy Days by the things in the background. Santiago felt himself crumble slightly inside as he looked at the photo of Amelia holding the new born baby. It didn't take him long to figure out the baby must have been dropped off Happy Day's. There was Amelia - his Amelia - sitting holding the baby with the biggest smile on her face.

After staring at the photo Santiago quickly closed his phone, chugging the rest of his beer.

Santiago had many regrets in his life - leaving his parents in Spain and tying himself down to Rebecca definitely came out on top. But he would be a fool to say his biggest regret in life so far wasn't spewing those vindictive and insulting things at Amelia.

Saying she wanted to trap him. Sink her claws into him. Accusing her of not taking the pill. If Santiago thought about the things he said too hard he would surely punch himself in the face. There were multiple times Santiago had been there when Amelia taken her pill. They had multiple conversations about how unfair it was that women had to deal with contraception.

He was the one who wanted to sleep with her unprotected. She was right, he loved the feeling of her skin-to-skin.

He loved being with her in that way. He loved being closer to her, having her wrapped around him. Having her whisper sweet nothings to him in Spanish. He loved everything about her.

And now he had fucked up.

He sat there in the darkness of his house as all this regret hit him at once.

He had gotten Amelia pregnant.

Amelia was pregnant. With his baby.

A baby that was half him, half Amelia.

That was sure to be the most precious baby on earth, and he had fucked up majorly.

He closed his eyes tightly as images of Amelia holding his baby flashed through his mind. Images of her smiling just like in the photo as she looked down at their baby. He thought over how beautiful she would look with a pregnant belly. He could walk around proudly next to her and let everyone know she was pregnant with his child.

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