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Deep in his slumber Santiago could feel the faint feeling of dampness on his cheek. He didn't want to be disturbed from his sleep, knowing this was the only time his sinful thoughts could be deemed appropriate.

Of course he was dreaming of Amelia Blackwell. As he usually did these days. This time rather than a dream, it seemed his subconscious decided to replay the memory of their kiss over and over in his head again.

A light breeze blew on Santiagos neck, threatening to wake him up. He tried his hardest to cling onto the visions in his head but he couldn't ignore the niggling feeling on his body.

The smell of peaches engulfed in Santiagos dream and he smiled at the thought.

"I bet you're dreaming about me, aren't you Papi?" The faint sound of Amelia's voice confused Santiago for a moment. She sounded so close, so sultry.

"Time to wake up Santi," the voice was much louder this time, pulling Santiago from his dreamy state.

He opened his eyes slowly, already aware of the situation he was in. His dream wasn't too much of a dream, rather than a rude intrusion from the vixen herself.

Santiago turned his head slightly to get a glimpse at the girl next to him. Of course. Amelia lay on Santiago's bed, propping herself up on an elbow as she looked down at him. A satisfied smirk on her face.

"Get out of my room. Now." Santiago said, trying to be stern with the girl who never listened to a word he said.

"I came to wake you up, we need to leave in 15 minutes." Amelia said sweetly. She sat up on the bed so she could take in her view from a better angle. Santiago looked delectable in the mornings. His hair was slightly ruffled from his sleep, his torso bare, muscles on display for all the night time visitors to see.

"You really have no respect do you? Is this how you normally wake people up?" Santiago tried to ignore the fact Amelia was extremely close and almost naked in his bed right now. He tried to get a sneaky glance up at her, quickly taking in the fact she had on matching pink underwear and a hotel robe. Even in almost nothing she was still a sight to see.

"No, but I thought I'd wake you up like this today. It seems fitting doesn't it, seeing as you were obviously dreaming about me." Amelia said.

"I was doing no such thing, I don't dream." Santiago responded, trying to gather the dispersed bed sheets to place around his body. Amelia caught the action and rolled her eyes, "It's not like I haven't seen any of that before Santi."

"I don't care, you shouldn't be in my bed right now. Get out so I can get ready." The tiredness Santiago previously felt slowly left his body, the feeling replaced with irritation. He reached over to his bed side table to get a look at the time.


"How long is this photo shoot going to take today?" Santiago asked. He wanted nothing more than to roam around, eat food and enjoy Italy. But instead he had to take Amelia to yet another photo shoot where she was bound to be prancing around naked all day.

"Not sure, maybe around 4/5pm. Are you going to be on your best behaviour today Papi?" Amelia asked, smiling down at her bodyguard. She admired him as he looked at her through narrowed eyes. She tried to keep her focus on his eyes, or his envied eyelashes, but she couldn't keep her attention from dropping down to his lips.

The tension in the air was palpable as Santiago sensed where Amelia's focus lay. He watched her as she absentmindedly started to nibble on her bottom lip. The same lip Santiago had been enjoying the night before.

He could feel his morning wood making it's grand appearance as he thought over the kiss they shared. She may not have realised it but Amelia's body had started to gravitate towards Santiago and he knew exactly what she was after.

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