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At exactly 8am the next morning Amelia awoke to the sound of her front door knocking. She knew this would be Santiago ready to start the shift so she jumped up out of bed, and made her way downstairs to open the front door.

The sight of Santiago caused a shrill laugh to leave her mouth. There he stood in his tall graces with a pair of thick, black sunglasses framing his face. Amelia could tell his face was set in a frown through the glasses. His usual tan skin was on the paler side confirming to Amelia that he was indeed, hungover.

"Wow Santi, I thought you said no one would notice you even had a drink last night? You look like shit." Amelia said smiling.

He replied back in a grunt, walking past her and into the house, helping himself to coffee.

"Don't I even get a good morning?" Amelia asked. She propped herself up on the countertop as she watched him. She was enjoying the sight of a sluggish hungover Santiago so much, she hadn't even realised she was currently wearing a Buzz Lightyear onesie.

"Morning." Santiago grumbled.

"Aww you poor baby, I did tell you to beware of the hangover last night." Amelia said.

Santiago turned to her with a confused face, removing his glasses. His eyes flinched as they adjusted to the morning light. "Did we speak last night?" He asked.

Amelia's face dropped automatically, not impressed with his liquor filled amnesia.

"Yes we did, don't you remember?" Santiago's eyes rolled as he watched Amelia fold her arms as her face grimaced.

"Nope sorry, apparently getting older doesn't include being able to handle alcohol." He gave Amelia a quick smile before nursing his cup of coffee.

"Well I'm 19 and I've never done or said anything I'd regret because of alcohol." She flashed Santiago a fake smile before helping herself to a banana.

"What are we doing today?" He asked.

"Hmm, I was thinking bungee jumping, or maybe rock climbing, or we could go on a sailing boat." Amelias eyes shone brightly as she carried on listing things she knew Santiago would hate to do today.

"Absolutely no way, I'm not doing any of that." He whined.

"You are, or else I'll post the photo's of you that Vinny sent me last night." Amelias smile was sickly sweet as Santiago's face fell.

"What photo's are we talking about?" He panicked. Amelia rubbed her hands together menacingly before laughing like a witch. "Those, are for my eyes only. Unless you fail to do what I say of course."

Santiago grumbled a quick fine before making himself another drink.

"Can I get one of those please?"


"Why not?" Amelia asked.

"Because I'm not here to make you coffee you brat, make your own." Santiago took a long sip of his drink, "ahhhh, delicious." He said wiping the imaginary coffee from his lips.

Amelia reached forwards grabbing the coffee out his hands. She took a big gulp of the liquid watching as Santiago's eyes narrowed at her.

"You're right Santi, that is delicious." She taunted. Santiago stared Amelia down, waiting for the grin to drop off her face. He took that time to appraise what she was wearing. She very much had bed head, and her onesie was the cutest one he'd seen yet. She looked effortlessly beautiful this morning.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked, changing the tone of the conversation. Amelia finally realised how she allowed herself to be caught looking like a 5 year old in front of Santiago, once again.

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