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The local mall was Amelia's favourite place to search for inspiration for her newest and next trends. There was an abundance of shops which she could browse in all day. She had decided today would be one of those days where she takes her time shopping. And not just because that meant she got to spend time with Santiago.

He followed her around the mall like a dark cloud in his blacked out clothing. It was quite obvious to onlookers that the pair weren't friends. Santiago always followed a couple of paces back, not interacting with Amelia at all.

Amelia knew that people in the mall may recognise her. She didn't want her following to think she was that much of a princess that she needed security. The truth was she did need security, but not for reasons people may assume.

Amelia made her way into a small boutique before halting at a rack of new releases near the back.

"I don't have cooties you know, you can walk with me instead of following me around like a puppy" Amelia said, drawing Santiagos attention to her.

"I'm fine where I am." Santiagos closed off nature was something Amelia needed to get used to. If she wasn't mistaken she'd have thought he hated her. Of course she may have been mildly inappropriate to him a couple of times but she was harmless.

"I'm sure you are but I don't want anyone to notice you're following me around, people talk." Amelia spotted a cute blue cardigan which connected across the breasts. It felt soft to the touch and was just the right amount of revealing for her. Deciding this was all she wanted from the boutique she picked it off of the rack.

"I'm sure no one is even paying attention to us. This is the real world Amelia, I doubt people away from your phone care about what you're doing" Santiagos tone was harsh and laced with irritation.

He definitely doesn't like me, Amelia thought.

She debated poking the bear before deciding this bicker wasn't worth it.

The both of them made their way to the till to pay. Santiago hoped that this was the last stop on this dragged out mall experience.

As they approached the till the woman behind gasped out loud as her eyes landed on Santiago. A flush rose on her cheeks as she tried to disguise the gasp.

Amelia couldn't help but laugh to herself at the woman's reaction. I guess Santiago had that effect on people. Quite like herself.

"Oh my gosh, aren't you Amelia Blackwell?" the lady asked, suddenly forgetting about her earlier embarrassment.

"Yes, I am." Amelia replied, sending a smug smile Santiagos way. And he thought people didn't care about Amelia outside of social media.

"It's lovely to meet you, I absolutely adore you. I can't believe you're here in my boutique, and actually making a purchase at that." The lady all but gushed over Amelia and gave her a 50% friends and family discount.

Amelia asked her a few questions about the boutique to make small talk as the lady slowly cashed her up. Amelia tried to ignore Santiagos impatient nature behind her, shifting on his feet like he had been on them all day.

"It was lovely to meet you today Tracy. I'll make sure to tag this place in my post when I wear the outfit." Amelia said, happy she could do the friendly woman a favour.

"Thank you so much Amelia, it was lovely meeting you too."

They said quick goodbyes and Santiago followed Amelia out the store once again. He couldn't believe someone had been that ecstatic over seeing Amelia Blackwell. She was the equivalent of an annoying mosquito, who would be ecstatic about that?

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