45 - Part 2

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3 weeks ago

Santiago left Amelia's birthday party feeling as though he was on could nine. He had a certain pep in his step that he hadn't noticed in a very long time.

There was a surreal feeling Santiago felt in the pit of his stomach. He knew it was the events of the night all rolled into one. Giving Amelia her birthday gift, finally letting her know exactly how he felt about her. There was a certain nervousness that Santiago also felt. Not only did he have to confess to Amelia's father that he was falling in love with his daughter, he had to confess it to his wife too.

And the sooner the better was Santiago's motto.

He let himself into his home, unfazed by the mess that Rebecca often left behind.

"Rebecca." Santiago shouted up the stairs. He decided to give the news standing up, he situated himself near enough to the front door that he could make a hasty exit if he needed to.

"What?" Rebecca asked sharply as she sat down on the sofa.

Santiago stood and thought of Amelia knowing that would prevent Rebecca from ruining his good mood. He thought of Amelia's eyes. Her smile. Her infectious laugh. Her body. Her-

"Santiago! Do you have something to say to me?" Rebecca demanded.

Santiago took a deep breath as he looked to the woman he shared a good chunk of his life with. Suddenly it was as if he saw her for what she truly was. A lazy, messy, selfish waste of space.

"Yes I do. Rebecca, this thing between you and I is over." Santiago watched calmly as Rebecca's face contorted in confusion.

"This isn't working for me anymore. I don't want to be in a loveless marriage and I'm sure you don't want to either. I think it's time for us to part ways and I'm confident this is the right thing for the both of us." Santiago felt more confident with his decision as the words went on. The disbelief on Rebecca's face not even phasing him.

"There's nothing between us any more Rebecca and it's time to put a stop to all this wedding business. Obviously the house is in my name but I'll give you a month max to find somewhere for yourself and move out. Maybe in a few years we can be friends after this." Santiago offered Rebecca a false smile as he waited for her to make a move, to say something, anything.

After a tense couple of minutes Rebecca finally spoke.

"You can't do this to me Santiago, not now." She said.

Santiago tried hard not to roll his eyes at what she had said. He was hoping this would be a mutual, amicable decision.

"What do you mean?" He asked, already bored with the inevitable fall out.

"I mean this is the worst time for you to finally grow some balls Santiago." Rebecca spat.

Rebecca only made Santiago more sure of his decision with her wicked words. He kept quiet as he waited for her to start making some sense.

"I went for my routine breast examination last Thursday and the doctors found something." Rebecca looked at Santiago expectedly as she watched him absorb her words.

"I wanted to tell you but I've hardly seen you. I'm scared Santiago, this could be really serious. You can't abandon me now." Rebecca stood up to approach the silent Santiago. "Ben would hate if you left me at a time like this." She gave Santiago a small smile before holding out her hands for a hug.

Santiago let out a shaky breath. His mind piecing together what Rebecca had told him.

She's sick.

That wasn't something that he was expecting. Santiago wanted to leave this house tonight feeling like a new man. But now everything had changed. Rebecca may be a pain in his ass but there's no way he could leave her knowing this life changing information.

Ben would roll over in his grave.

Santiago quickly got a hold of himself and sent Rebecca a small smile. She took this as her cue to grab Santiago into a tight hug. He felt her body shaking slightly at what he assumed to be her crying.

The phone is his pocket started ringing at that exact moment.

The first of Amelia's many missed calls.

A/N -

Short chapter but very needed.

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