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With only two days left before the trip to Italy, to say Amelia was excited was an understatement. Only a hand full of people knew where Amelia was going so she wanted to say goodbye to her friends before she disappeared for the week.

Amelia had texted Elijah to meet her for coffee, then she'd go straight to lunch to see Marco.

Santiago had been more frosty than usual with Amelia and she knew that was down to him still feeling annoyed at the comments she'd made about his 'happy' life.

As they drove to meet Elijah the awkward silence was beginning to overwhelm Amelia. As soon as she saw the Starbucks store in sight she let out a relieved sigh.

Santiago barely had time to turn off the engine before Amelia jumped out the car.

"Mierda" Santiago snapped as he fumbled out the car. "No puedes esperar?" he said as he caught up with Amelia.

"I don't speak Spanish." Amelia gave Santiago a pointed looked before walking towards her friend.

He found a table free right behind where Elijah sat waiting.

"Hey, finally, Amelia Blackwell in the flesh." Elijah stood up to hug Amelia, paying Santiago no mind as he sat down. "Why are you the hardest person to get in touch with these days?" He asked.

"Sorry Eli, life is a little bit crazy these days. I promise we'll get to hang out more when I'm back." Amelia smiled at Elijah and automatically all was forgotten.

"Don't worry about it. Plus I may have managed to go on a couple of dates recently."

"What?" Amelia said as her mouth hung open. "Who is it? Do I know her? This is very exciting, you never date." Amelia probed Elijah about this new girl and she was surprised to learn it was May, her make up artist.

"Wow, I never saw this coming." Amelia was truly shocked. For one, Elijah never really showed much interest in girls. She had once questioned whether he might be gay but if that were the case, she'd wait for him to say.

"I know neither did I, but we had a great time at your bbq and plus, she's fucking hot."

"She is very hot, I didn't know that was your type Eli." Amelia said.

"What, you didn't think I liked black girls?" Eli asked, his eyebrow raising slightly. "My mom wouldn't like to hear that."

"Nooo you idiot. I just wasn't too sure what kind of girls you liked. I've never met anyone that's piqued your interest before."

Eli had ordered Amelia's favourite coffee for her, they found themselves engrossed in conversation as they drank. They last saw each around a week ago but a lot was missed.

Amelia had told Elijah she was going away for a week for work. Not wanting to ignore what her dad had said, she told Elijah she was heading to New York.

Amelia sat listening to Elijah when she heard a phone go off behind him. Santiagos phone. Amelia had almost forgotten about the dark brooding body behind Eli.

The distraction shifted Amelia's eyes from Eli to Santiago. Keeping her focus on him as he checked his phone.

Every time she looked at him she felt an overwhelming need to be consumed by him. Everything about him screamed masculinity and sex appeal. Amelia had never met a man quite like him, and it was beyond frustrating that he showed no interest in her.

Amelia's eyes shot away from his face and back to Elijah when his eyes met hers. Never in her life had Amelia acted so pathetically before. Cowering away from a mans gaze was not her style and she didn't want to make it a habit.

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