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"Wake up sleepy head."

"Time to wake up now love."

The faint sounds of someone speaking resonated deeply within Amelia's head. She tried to focus her mind on the words she could hear, but she was unable to fully comprehend what was being said.

"Wakey wakey my love."

Amelia's face scrunched up in confusion, her eyes still closed making her oblivious to her surroundings.

Amelia was unsure whether she was dreaming, or whether she was in some sort of lucid state. She could feel a wet pressure against her lips. For some reason her body was unable to alert her to what that was.

Inside of her head Amelia could feel herself panicking. She focused her energy on attempting to open her eyes or even move her hands.

The pressure against her lips was back. Only this time the action was accompanied with a signal that told her brain something was wrong.

In that instant the memories hit Amelia like a tone of bricks. Her lunch with Lucy, almost fainting outside the diner, Sam coming to help her. Just then Amelia remembered his face when he had locked her in the car, he had attacked her and knocked her out with some type of drug.

Once more Amelia could feel something graze against her mouth.

"Wow I can't believe how soft your lips are, please wake up love."

This time Amelia's eyes shot open as she heard Sam speaking to her. To her shock Sam was standing over her, his face so close she could feel his heavy breathing.

As soon as they locked eyes Sam smiled like a kid at Christmas. "I'm so glad you're finally awake Sleeping Beauty. Welcome home love."

Amelia's chest began to rise and fall as panic struck her body. She attempted to get herself out of her current situation but she soon found her self restricted and unable to move. With one pull of her right wrist she realised she was tied securely to a chair. Each one of her arms and legs fastened securely to the chair.

"Well actually, I shouldn't say welcome home. More like welcome to our temporary home." Amelia stayed quiet as she watched Sam kneel down in front of her, maintaining his creepy eye contact.

"I've been waiting hours for you to wake up Amelia. I was almost worried I had put too much Chloroform into your system. I'm glad to see you're awake now." Sam shot Amelia a bright smile before leaning in closer to put his lips on hers once again. Amelia instantly moved her head backwards, snubbing his advances.

She didn't miss the annoyed look on his face, but he decided against pushing her at that moment.

"I know you're probably scared and have a lot of questions. I promise I'll answer anything you want me to. I don't want there to be any secrets between us love." Sam gave Amelia what was probably supposed to be a reassuring squeeze to the thigh, but she quietly whimpered causing Sam to rip his arm away.

It was at that point Amelia saw fit to take in her surroundings. It looked as if they were in a dingy abandoned apartment. It wasn't until Amelia turned her head fully towards the left that she was struck with horror.

The walls were filled corner to corner, with photo's of her. Not photo's you could find by googling her name, photo's that were obviously taken from the comfort of her own room. Her eyes flickered over the photo's, her stomach turning as she noticed one of her pleasuring herself, legs wide open and completely exposed. It took Amelia a second to realise some photo's were bigger than others. The one's of her naked, freshly out the bath, or moisturising or changing were noticeably bigger than the others.

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