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The reaction that just the sight of Santiago caused within Amelia was foreign.

Her body flushed with warmth as his large frame entered their kitchen, suddenly making it seem like the smallest room in the world. His eyes gazed over her from top to bottom before looking to her mother. The hairs on the back of Amelia's neck stood tall when their eyes met for a moment. Her heart beating rapidly as his hand moved to shake hers.

His hands we large, engulfing hers in his palm. They were firm but Amelia wondered how they felt so soft at the same time.

She almost kicked herself for looking so scruffy in this moment. The one time she doesn't wear something cute or fitting, is the time she meets probably thee most sexiest guy on the planet.

Amelia observed Santiago closely as he spoke with her father. His height was the first thing she noticed. He had to be at least 6ft5 tall. He was even taller than her dad. His whole frame was built and domineering. Amelia didn't stop her mind from wondering to all the things he could do to her in the bedroom. She bet he could throw her around like a rag doll with just one of his hands.

There was no doubt that this man is skilled enough to keep Amelia safe. She slowly grazed her eyes over his bulging muscles. His biceps looked big enough for her to hang off of.  She was certain he was packing some serious muscle underneath his t-shirt.

He was currently dressed in all black and the colour suited him well. His hair was a silky black, his eyes golden brown matching the tone of his skin perfectly.

If Amelia thought her natural tan was impressive then Santiago put her to shame. This man looked like he'd been kissed by the sun. He had to be from somewhere exotic, Cuba, Italy, Mexico maybe.

The thing about Santiago that threw Amelia over the edge was the hair that framed his perfectly shaped jaw. There was nothing more manly than a beard. The feeling of someone's facial hair scratching against her thighs was a feeling Amelia would never get bored of.

Amelia did another once over of this fine specimen, she decided there was absolutely no way she would deny herself a piece of the erotic aura that he gave off. Her eyes panned down to his feet, noting he easily wore a size 12, 13 maybe. And guys with big feet always had an impressive package to match, everyone knew that.

"Right Amelia?" Her father said, breaking her from her lust filled trance.

Amelia blinked a couple of times before forcing her attention back on her parents.

"What did you say sorry Dad?" She asked.

"I said we'll all feel a little better knowing Santiago is here to look out for you" Noah repeated.

Amelia turned herself back to the exotic hunk in front of her, "Oh right definitely, I feel much better knowing you'll be right by my side. My saviour" she coo-ed, looking up at Santiago through her long eyelashes.

"My pleasure" he said through tight lips.

It sure will be, Amelia thought.

"Your father and I are going to clue the twins in on what happened last night. Why don't you talk through your schedule with Santiago" Annabella said.

Amelia was more than happy for a chance at some alone time with her future score.

As they were left alone in the room Amelia felt herself getting a little hot underneath her sweats. As she observed Santiago she figured he wasn't feeling the same effects of their inevitable sexual tension.

It's time to turn on the Blackwell charm, Amelia thought.

"So Santiago, where are you from?" Amelia asked, moving to the fridge to help herself to some fruit.

"Spain", his response was flat and closed off. He obviously wasn't much of a talker.

"Ah Spain, I'm going there in a few weeks. I guess you'll be coming with me too Papi, no?" Amelia took her time peeling back the banana she'd chosen to eat. Banana's weren't usually Amelia's go-to fruit, but the occasion called for it today.

"Yes, I guess I will be"

His short answers weren't amusing to Amelia. By now she had men falling at her feet, begging for the chance to take her out.

She observed the man across from her once again, wondering if she got a gay vibe from him at all. That would explain the hostility.

"So, let's talks business. You'll be assisting me wherever I go, making sure nothing bad happens to me, correct?"

Before Santiago had a chance to answer, Amelia placed the banana in her mouth. She didn't falter as she took a huge bite from the fruit, maintaining eye contact with the sexy Spaniard across from her.

"That is correct. I will try and find out who left the package in your room but your father has a separate team designated for that" he said, his voice monotone and completely uninterested.

"Okay well, here's hoping they find the sicko sooner, rather than later" the smile on Amelia's face expressed she couldn't care less if this investigation lasted a whole year.

This suddenly got very interesting.

"So Santiago, I'll be going to Italy in 3 weeks time. Then to Spain 3 weeks after that. I know you'll be joining me as security detail but please make sure you dress appropriately" Amelia bit down on her bottom lip as she apprised the clothes he had on now.

She deposited the unfinished banana in the bin, using it as an excuse to get closer to Santiago.

"I'm thinking beach shorts and well, not a lot else more" she reached her hand out to Santiago, patting down the collar of his black polo shirt.

In an instant her hand was batted away, Santiago making his way to the other side of the kitchen.

"Miss Blackwell let's get somethings clear. 1) Don't ever touch me again. 2) You and I are strictly professional and frankly, I would never have taken this job to look after some spoilt airhead but I owed your dad a favour. And 3) I am taken, so try not to cross any more lines, am I clear?" Santiago kept his cool as he reprimanded the 19 year old like a child.

This was the most Amelia had heard him speak and she noticed the Spanish accent coming through strong alongside his irritation. There's just something about a man with an accent.

"Okay Papi, I hear you. I promise not to touch you again. Not unless you really want me to" Amelia smiled, twirling her hair around one of her fingers.

This is the first man to ever reject one of Amelia's advances and the fact excited her. He would be harder to lure into her bed but definitely not impossible.

Before Santiago could scold Amelia for her new pet name for him, the sounds of footsteps echoed through the house and into the kitchen.

The twins bouldered into the room, the both of them giving Amelia a protective hug after hearing what had happened.

"I swear Ammy, I'll kill the bastard who did this" Nixon seethed.

"Language!" their mother scolded from the living room.

"How did she even hear that?" Nikolai said, also not trying to hide his anger at the situation the Blackwell's were now faced with.

Amelia smiled down at her brothers, enjoying the fact she could feel Santiagos eyes on the three of them.

"Don't worry boys, Santiago's here to keep me safe" Amelia said, looking over to Santiago, licking her bottom lip for moisture it didn't need.

His eyes rolled, leaving the kitchen to go and find Noah.

The boys stood and question Amelia about what exactly happened at her party. She tried to explain everything as best she could.

As best as she could whilst imagining Santiago whispering sweet nothings in her ear, in his native tongue.

She definitely needed to fuck this man and get it out of her system.

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