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Hawaii: Day 2
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Hawaii: Day 2Not proofread

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Naomi "Nana" POV:

Waking up this morning a bitch was on cloud nine, my skin glowing, my lace still intact. Yeah this vacation was needed.

We're on a beautiful vacation, I got dick last night,
4 times, and all my friends and family are doing.. good for the most part.

"Hi mamas babiessss y'all look so beautiful and handsome today" I coo'd staring at Zenia and Amir through the FaceTime screen. "Ima let y'all go Ight?"

"Okay baby make sure you taking lots of pictures love ya!" My mother called out before hanging up the phone not even waiting for my response.

"Rude ass" I muttered shaking my head opening the fridge and grabbing out all the juices we bought.

I decided to make everyone breakfast after everything they all did for me yesterday. The gifts, the experience, honestly I'm grateful as fuck for all of em.


I looked up from the stove to see Deon making his way in the kitchen. "Goodmorning"

"Aye can I speak ta you on some shit?"

"Yeah what's up?" I flipped the last pancake and turned the stovetop off. I made Pancakes, Waffles, Bacon, Turkey Bacon, and Eggs.

"Sooo Heather admitted that the baby isn't mine and that she was already pregnant wit Bryson's baby when we fucked"

"And?" I questioned looking over at him.

"And since the baby ain't mine I thought I should try and get my lady back n you her best friend so I wanna know if you'll help me"

"Deon I like y'all together, no lie you brought out a happiness in my girl I haven't seen in a minute but that cheating shit is for kids we grown as hell and the only way I'll help you is if you promise to not do her dirty and I mean promise promise, not just say yeah I gotchu and still be a ain't shit ass nigga I mean it"

"I pro-NAH seriously Deon cause if I vouch for you and you fuck her over I'll kill you myself cause I'm putting my word on the line... so please don't do my girl dirty" I cut him off not really wanting to hear what he had to say.

"I gotchu Nana I promise"

Almost everyone trickled in saying their mumbled hellos and what not grabbing plates.

"Thanks Nana you ain't even had to do all this" Chris started snatching up a couple pieces of bacon.

"You still ain't open yo presents dude Ima take mine back" Trigga chuckled shaking his head, I looked over at the table full of gifts, I can't believe they went all out like this for me.

"Ima do it later I promise I'm just being lazy today tomorrow we're snorkeling and swimming with some dolphins"

"Dolphins are fucking pedophiles I'm not going near one" Trigga shuddered shaking his head rapidly.

"Oh cmon theyre ha- shut the fuck up ion give two fucks I aint goin near them rapists"

"Anywaysss we can just explore afterwards maybe go into the village or sum ion know I wanna be respectful though" I assured staring the boys down.

"Why you lookin at us like that?" Victor chuckled with a mouth full of food, Courie stared at him in disgust as she slowly slipped on her apple juice

"Cause y'all stay doin too much" Sage mumbled rolling her eyes. "umm it's mainly your childish ass boyfriend" Diamond chimed in mugging Sage.

"We have a problem or something Diamond? Why are you acting like that towards me?" Sage straight up questioned leaning forward at the table.

"Nah I just don't like how you talk to them sometimes"

"You do realize I'm including my man in that right? Like nobody is singling out anyone or being rude so what's the real issue Diamond?"

"Ok don't ge-

"Ok y'all need to chill out like what is up wit y'all lately?"

"That's Diamond I've been coo and had no issues with anybody except her"

"Ion like her simple as that, her sister always seemed to know what the fuck was up and ion ja-

"BECAUSE OF YOUR CHEATING ASS LYING ASS BOYFRIEND THE FUCK!! You trying to shift the blame on me when YOUR man was the one dogging you and his so called home boys out bitch you need reevaluate yourself before coming at me!" Sage stood pushing her chair back and storming out the room.

"I-uh can't believe she said that shit" Trigga chuckled sitting down with his second plate.

"I mean she ain't lyin tho" Dominique smacked his lips looking up from his phone. His face had anger written all over it.

"Sage damn near killed Gina herself for the shit she pulled and has been doin nothin but makin sure she get what she deserve while yo bitch ass boyfriend was fuckin on Deon baby moms n shit that's trifling as fuck"

"okay but she s-

"'No you wrong as fuck for being like that too her when she's done nothing but be loyal as fuck to all y'all" Dominique shook his head standing up and walking out the room leaving us all there.

"Well then" I sighed glaring over at Trigga. Him & Courie have no idea how to read a room.


After breakfast, Camarion and Trigga cleaned up the kitchen for me as the girls and I made our way to the backyard. Diamond and Sage haven't spoken a word to each other since breakfast so I just hope this day gets better.

We still have 4 more days and I plan on soaking up as much Hawaii sun as possible.

"This place is so beautiful" Sage coo'd walking over to one of our pool chairs.

We all followed suit and got comfy, I threw on some tanning lotion with some good SPF cause we gotta protect our skin ladies✨

"I got so much to tell y'all" Riyah huffed scooting her chair to the opposite side of me forming a partial circle. "I'm pregnant" She blurted out sitting down in the chair

"Wow I feel so much better getting that off my chest"

"AHHH I KNEW IT" Sage hollered pulling Riyah into her arms.

"And so am I" Diamond chimed in causing tfme to look over at her. She had tears running down her face looking down. "I got pregnant by a lame ass nigga"

I instantly ran over to her along with everyone else, Sage included she flung her arms around Riyah and Diamond. Laying in my girls arms I couldn't help but feel like things were going a little too smooth with us...

Good rings never last long, but maybe I'm just over thinking things a little bit.

Filler- I promise more is coming 💗

My mental health has been shit lately but writing has been getting me to feel a lil better.

Vote & Comment.... otherwise I ain't updating 🙄 I love seein lit ass comment sections

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