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"Man hurry tha fuck up"

"Nigga shut the fuck up you ain't doin this shit"

"Cause the bitch brought enough stress too my life I ain't touchin ha" Boogs yelled out hitting his third wood.

"She really heavy den a muthafucka it's gotta be them ass shots" Deon huffed as they dragged the unconscious Gina through the basement of Sage's house.

They didn't have much of a plan but killing her wasn't an option... yet. It would be way too obvious where it came from someone would track it back too one of them.

"Ok just lay her there" Sage softly called out rubbing her temples. She couldn't believe her sister really pulled the shit she did & bringing a gun, pointing it at a pregnant woman? She didn't fully understand why her sister did it, and she didn't care too find out.

The shit was beyond wrong too her.

"So what's the plan Sage cause if she come back and doe-

"She won't okay? I informed my mother o-

"Aw hell nah bitch didn't we say nobody but us can know?"

"My mother isn't anybody, we've had a situation like this with her before so I figured she would know what to do I didn't mention any of you guys at all I just mentioned every thing around why she did this"

"So what does yo moms think? Bryson questioned genuinely concerned, he didn't trust white girls, let alone a white woman.

Cause those tears are damaging to a black mans life, especially if they're crying wolf.

"I showed her everything how she's faking a pregnancy and trying to pin it in Boogs and she brought a gun to your baby shower pointing it at your pregnant girlfriend whom is also one of my closest friends I would never ever put any of y'all in harms way you mean the world to my Domo and that means y'all mean the world too me-

"uh uh don't start wit them white women tears" Bryson genuinely stated as he panicked on the inside. Just the sight of her tears had him fearing his life.

"No seriously though you said no names and I gave none not even street ones I love y'all" She smiled waving her hands in front of her eyes as her tears quickly left her eyes. She didn't even need to hear it back she just wanted them too know she was serious.

"Plus I value my life" She added making Deon and Bryson laugh a bit. Trigga just stood in the back, he knew the girls better than the rest of them considering how close him & Naomi have grown so he knows Sage means well.

At least he hoped so.

"Okay so y'all can go my man needs his dick s-

"WOAHHH let's go you ain't gotta tell us twice" Victor bitterly chuckled standing too his feet. He just wanted to see his girl again. His first day back in the Chi and his dad had him handling some petty ass drama that could've been left with the rest of them.

He knew it wasn't truly petty considering someone held a gun to his new lil sisters pregnant belly bump but it was petty to him at the time.

As the guys headed out leaving Sage and Dbugg to handle the Gina mess, the girls on the other side of town were having their own get together.

"Nah that shit is beyond crazy I thought she was really gon shoot him or you" Courie huffed chugging her water bottle still trying to comprehend what just went on.

Diamond already had a feeling something bad was going to happen but she didn't want to put that out there to begin now she's really regretting not speaking on her thoughts.

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