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Omniscient POV:

"Fuck fuck fuck"

Riyah whispered as she walked back and forth in the bathroom as her and Diamond waited on the results. "It's his isn't it?"

Riyah just silently nodded as tears began to spring from her eyes. "I-I can't be D I'm gonna be going through this alone" She whispered as Diamond quickly stood wrapping her arms around Riyah.

"Listen to me, that man may have fucked up but he loves you, but I also know how you feel" Diamond stuttered looking down at her own stomach.

After finding out her boyfriend was not only an opp, but also cheating on her she found out she was 3 months pregnant with his child.

Not knowing whether to keep it or not she talked to her parents, and then Cecelia, Juan's wife. "I-I'm pregnant with Bryson's baby right now"

"And trust me abortion was my #1 choice until I heard my little beans heart beat I-I couldn't go through with it, but no matter what you decide, we got you 10 toes down girl"

The timer on Riyah's phone beeped indicating the results should be ready. "You ready?" Diamond questioned stepping out of Riyah's arms.

She nodded picking up the first of the 6 sticks.








"WERE HOME" They heard Camarion's voice ring throughout the entire villa. Riyah frantically put all the tests in the trash and washed her hands before they left the bathroom.

"You guyssss it's so cute in here I love it thank you thank you" Naomi gushed throwing her arms around Diamond and Riyah. "I really have the best friends a girl could ask for"

"Ok now change so we can go zip lining"

"Can we even do that?"  "No but we'll make something up in the moment" Diamond reassured Riyah as she pulled her in for another hug giving her a tight squeeze.

As they all branched off to get changed, Sage was on the phone with her father ensuring that everything back home with Gina was okay.

"Well honey your mother checked her out of the facility"

"A-what do you mean?? Dad thi-

"They're currently residing in our Germany home my dear, your mother wanted to separate her entirely from here and get her he-

"No I think you're lying she brought enough stress to my friends and I and if you don't do anything about it don't cry when she messes with the wrong people and end up dead dad, this isn't high school bullying this is real life shit!!" She panicked wondering how she was going to tell everyone what her mother did.

"Honey don't you think I understand that? Okay! This is taking me to mind space I haven't been in a long time, you know your mother she doesn't listen and Gina is your mother's twin so what do you expect? What do I do?"

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