Vol 4 Ch 21.1: Cow 1

657 55 7

Year 1

Season 1

Volume 4 - "To Deceive The World"

Chapter 21: Cow Part 1 of 3 - An Uncomfortable Situation

It's not often that one would find four tsunderes in the same room. As a matter of fact, such a sight is usually rare.

As the first discussion began for the Cow group, said four girls have different methods to achieving the same goal of winning.

Himeno Yuki is off in her own world, choosing to abstain from conversing as she stares at herself in her cell phone camera and combs her hair, looking the way she feels, which is immensely bored. Seated the furthest from her is Katsuragi Kouhei, separated by their two classmates in Yoshida Kenta and Kitou Hayato.

Kamuro Masumi has chosen to silently observe the behavior of the participants not in her own class, trying her best to not seem too stiff or ready to come up with a harsh defense for her cold demeanor. She inwardly cursed the fact that she has to sit next to her class leader in Koenji, knowing how hard it is to deal with him. Glancing over, the only other classmate of hers participating in the exam is Minamikata Kozue.

Karuizawa Kei shifts nervously in her seat. Recently, with the help of Hirata Yousuke, Class D discovered the truth of her painful past, making it easier for her to be more honest and not wear a mask. That doesn't mean that her social anxiety, despite having been greatly lessened, doesn't exist. For her, communicating is only easy if the other party is nice, but this room contains hostility directed towards each class.

A hand is placed onto her shoulder in reassurance. Kei is surprised to see Ichika give her a supportive squeeze and her usual cheeky grin.

"Get it together, partner. I need your head in the game."

"Amasawa-san..." Kei can't help but let some hope fill her voice.

"If not, I may have to punish you~"

Sigh. "I should have expected that from you."

"KIKI! What did you want? A kiss?"

Kei blushes. "S-Stop that!"

Ichika places a finger to her lips in thought. "Actually, now that I think about it, I do help you study a lot-"

"You call your torture sessions studying?!"

Kei is ignored. "And I am making you improve so that you can finally be of use to me, sooooo... Maybe you should be the one to pay me back?"

"Mou! What do you want from me, then?"

"Your virginity."

"Amasawa-san! You pervert!"

"KIKIKI! I'm kidding! I'll tell you some other time."

Lastly, the sole participant of Class B, Horikita Suzune, is formulating a plan in her head.




Horikita Suzune POV

I cannot worry about what Kiyotaka, Fuuka, or Ryuuen-kun would do in my shoes. However, what I should concern myself with is my opposition.

I already have enough to worry about having my hands full with Koenji and Amasawa in the same group as me, but there's one presence above all that worries me.

COTE: The White Room WarWhere stories live. Discover now