Vol 3 Ch 13.2: The White Knight's Fall

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A/N: I just want to say to not expect any White Room Interviews in this volume and in Volume 4, as the WR will be talked about at a much smaller frequency in Volumes 3 and 4 than usual. I want to get this exam and the Cruise Ship exam out of the way so that things can really take off from there.

Each anime "Season" will cover at least 3 anime episodes per Volume, and about 8 volumes per Season, so I will be writing about 3+ White Room Interviews per season.

I am not sure how Years 2-3 will play out, nor do I know how the story will end, such as if I want to write another 8 volumes after Year 3 to reach a conclusion, but I do want Kiyo and co to reach a happy ending. All I know is that I have the ending of this Season planned out, which I am very excited to write.

Year 1

Season 1

Volume 3 - "One Must Deceive Himself"

Chapter 13 Part 2 of 3: The White Knight's Fall


The sound of footsteps on leaves gives away the position of an approaching incomer to Class B.

Hirata Yousuke smiles and waves. "Hello, Kiyotaka."

"Hello, Yousuke."

"Nice base you got here!"


Hirata gestures for Ayanokouji to follow him, so the two go off to a secluded area to talk.

"Anyway, I came here to deliver a message to you from Amasawa-san. She is asking how to remove the rust from a plier, although, I'm not sure why she would ask that since we have no pliers here, so it makes me wonder if it's code for something."

"Hm... I think she may be referring to Karuizawa, but I'm not entirely sure."

"What do you mean?"

"Karuizawa has a lot of potential when it comes to her ability to communicate, much like you, except her potential has yet to be unlocked. She could make a valuable spy when we become 2nd Years."

"Oh, I see."

"... How long are you going to keep this charade up?"


"Yousuke, if a car loses its engine, it stops working. If an airplane loses its wings, it cannot fly. If a gun has its safety on or has no bullets, it cannot shoot. The exact same concept applies to people. A nation without a leader descends into anarchy. A king polices their people, and the people follow as long as he does his job properly because it is a system of accountability."

Hirata tenses up. "Y-You're saying I'm not fulfilling my role?"

"Exactly. As the representative of our year, I need all of my peers who are able and willing to cooperate to become the best that they can be by going above and beyond what they think they're capable of. That includes you. We class leaders know what is going to happen."

The blond clinches his fists in frustration. "Isn't there any way to save them from that fate?"

"No, there isn't. Give up on that dream. The only thing we can do is try to save as many as we can, but you need to realize that there will be acceptable losses. So... Why don't we start with Karuizawa?"

"Where would you rate her potential on the social ladder?"

"Well, are there any other girls in your class who have lots of connections with others?"

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