Vol 3 SS: ??? 1

896 65 18

Year 1

Season 1

Volume 3 - "One Must Deceive Himself"

SS: ??? 1

Unknown POV

Here I am, calm and straight-faced as ever.

Katsuragi, who is surrounded by his followers that are angrily shouting at him for answers, glares at me. "What have you done?"

"Hmph." I scoff and walk away.

I'm a big fan of otaku stuff, but I am not weird about it in the typical weeb way, despite being open about it.

Lelouch vi Britannia once wisely said, "If a King does not lead, then his subordinates will not follow."

Oh, how on the mark he was, right, Katsuragi? You didn't lead. You just hid in your cave like a coward.




"So, why are we all here this time?" Hirata sweatdrops, a bit alarmed at the fact that eight distinct people from four different classes have gathered again.

I find it strange that Ryuuji is here, but not Ichinose. And where the hell is Koenji? Is he off sunbathing again?

Horikita sighs, a hint of sadness laced with that exhale. What's wrong with her? She seems like she has a heavy heart at the moment. "I've called this meeting because I'm worried about Ayanokouji-kun."

"Ayanokouji?" I quirk an eyebrow. Aren't they supposed to be on a first name basis?

"Eh?! What's with the name change, Suzune-girl?" Even Kiryuuin is thrown off.

Realizing her slip up, the person in question clarifies, "For the moment, when I'm not with Kiyotaka, I will refer to him as Ayanokouji to others, but with him, I want it to be the same first name routine so that things don't get even weirder than they are. It's not that I'm mad at him, but I am scared. I'm sure you two are as well, Fuuka and Ryuuen-kun."

It seems Class B's student with the biggest desire to ascend to A Class has accepted her mistake over his name and will choose to double down.

How lonely. 

Loneliness is a trait I'm well acquainted with.

We may be in different classes and rivals, but when it concerns Ayanokouji, there is not a thing in the world I wouldn't do to help him if he's going off the deep end again.

That is the oath I swore.

"Kukukukukukukukukukukuku. Don't make me laugh. Me? Scared of the monster? I'm down right pissing my fucking pants."

I see that Ryuuen's sarcasm is still intact. Good. Then his head will be alright. We will be needing him for what's to come.

Realizing that Ryuuen is being a waste of time at the moment, Horikita turns to Amasawa. "I hate to say it, but you, Amasawa, may know Ayanokouji-kun even better than Fuuka and I."

"In a way, yes."

"Then... I know he uses others for his own gain. He even admitted it to us, that he thinks of people as nothing more than tools."

Kiryuuin adds, "But at the rate he's going, someone will end up dead. We need to make sure that does not happen."

Ryuuen frowns. "So, what do you want us to do about it? If someone dies, they die. Such is the way of life. It fucking sucks, but news flash: Death is inevitable."

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