Vol 3 Ch 15.2: Two-Pronged Attack

915 62 47

Year 1

Season 1

Volume 3 - "One Must Deceive Himself"

Chapter 15 Part 2 of 2: Two-Pronged Attack

Ichika has no clue where Albert could have gone. One moment, he was sleeping next to the boys, but the next, he has disappeared.

She knows exactly who's behind this, and right now, she's playing Chess with him. The only difference is that she cannot see all the pieces because the board is much larger, adding many more variables and possible outcomes.

'This exam is already difficult enough when I'm going against Senpai. Not that I'm complaining. I'm having the time of my life!

Now the question is why send a spy into my base, only to have him run away? It is possible that he sent Yamada to C camp in order to discover their leader since Senpai may not have much information on someone as defensive as Katsuragi.

But the possibility of sending Yamada to A also exists as well as someone else to either of the two classes.

He may also be trying to lure me away from my own Head Quarters, but there is no way to find out if I don't take the bait, mainly because I'm the only one in this class that can successfully attack and defend.'

Pulling out the keycard, she hands it to Sudou, who looks bewildered. "Hide this and don't lose it. I need to go find Yamada."

He gulps and nods. "Okay, but this is a lot of pressure- Hey!"

Ichika is already sprinting away.




Minutes later, Class D has dispersed in small groups to hunt for food again.

Sudou is walking in front of Sotomura, Ike, Miyamoto, Hondou, and Komiya.

The redhead is silent as Ike begins a conversation. "Maaaaan, how did I completely forget that a cutie like Sakura-san exists?!"

"I know, right? She has the power of anime glasses to disguise herself, looking boring with her glasses and sexy without!"

"I wonder which girl has the biggest boobs in our class? Her or Hasebe?"

"It's so unfair that Hasebe never shows off her figure in swimming class! She should be required to!"

Unexpectedly, the five of them feel their stomach lurch upwards as the ground caves beneath them.

A sinkhole.


Sudou was the only one close enough to the edge of the sinkhole to have a chance at not falling, so he grabs onto the ledge for dear life, not realizing that his hands were in his pocket and something was sent flying out.

Looking over his shoulder into the darkness below, as the hole is surrounded by the trees that block the sunlight, he shouts, "You guys alright?!"

"Argh... Yeah! We're good!"

"Not me... I think I broke my leg."

"How deep did you fall?!"

"Ah! About 30 feet."

Sudou hears footsteps above, multiple of them.

Then, two voices he is unable to see can be heard conversing by his ears only.

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