Chapter 48

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I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist, smiling at me, I turned around and saw Seb smiling back at me, "we did it, darling," "yes we did hotshot." 

His hands gripped onto my waist and pulled my flush against his body bringing me into a passion filled kiss, his hands went down to grip onto my butt and I smiled into the kiss not wanting to pull back.

"I love you so much Fay," we pulled back resting our foreheads together, everyone else around us was cheering and walking away to find their friends and parents, looking back into his green eyes I got lost in them forgetting what was happening, "I love you, Seb."

"We fucking did it, guys."

 Seb and I pulled away from eachother but he still kept an arm around my shoulders, Alex ran up to us and tackled us both in a big hug, I was savouring these moments I had with them before it all ended in flames.

I was leaving tonight.

Leaving everyone for good, I told them all that I was going to leave tomorrow to go on a short trip with my dad before university but really I was leaving for the airport tonight. 

I wasn't going to tell anyone I was just going to end things off on a good note without actually saying the words 'i'm never going to see or talk to you again' I know how bad it was to be doing this but I had to do it, I would never be able to say goodbye, I love them all too much.

And because of that, I have to keep them safe, and if that means I can't stay with any of them well then I guess it just has to be that way.

"Let's go find everyone else," we nodded and walked around trying to find everyone, our gowns were flying in the wind, Seb pulled on my hand stopping me from walking any farther I looked him in the eye and saw the pure happiness and joy dancing around his green eyes, "I'm so happy Fay." 

Hearing him say that made me smile with glee but also break down on the inside, by tonight he was going to hate me, by tonight he would never want to see me again.

I pushed those thoughts away and put my hands on either side of his face brushing away the stray strands of black hair "me too baby," he lightly kissed me and we continued walking to find the girls.

"Beca." I spotted Beca and ran out of Seb's arms and over to her and Oli, we met halfway screaming, "We made it," "I'm so happy," "hey Oli congrats."

I hugged Oli and Beca then Beca went to go meet her parents leaving me with Oli, I guess this is my first goodbye.

"Hey, Oli thanks for everything," "Faith what do you mean?" 

"Just like in general you know for being there and stuff like that," "of course that's what friends do." I smiled and hugged him one last time.

There was going to be a lot of one last times today.

"Seb wheres TJ?" "With Alex, Fay I'm going to go see my dad I'll find you later," "ok sure." I walked over to TJ and Alex and gave TJ a hug, "Faith I'm so proud you actually passed." 

Laughing I pulled back and smiled at him "ya thanks TJ," Alex wandered off talking to Seb's dad, "hey are you ok you seem a little off?" 

Wiping my face of any emotion I look back at him "you know just the graduation blues," "well don't be sad because this is not the end, it is far from it." 

The words he spoke only made my head spin more, "look I got to go but Faith I love you and I'll see you later right?" I held back the sadness that washed over me and covered it up with a smile and a nod, "bye TJ." Second goodbye done.

"Beca can I talk to you for a second?" 

"Faith of course," I grabbed her hand and moved us away from the crowd, "I just wanted to say thank you for being an amazing friend and putting up with all of my shit, I love you so much."

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