Chapter 21

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Today was the day Seb and I went to the mall to look for costumes, I was dreading this little adventure, I don't even know why I'm going with him but when I said yes something just felt right.

 Plus it was only a party and I guess dinner after but who am I kidding its Sebastian, only Seb. Yep keep telling yourself that Faith.

It was lunchtime, my class had gone as well as they could. Alex and I got nothing done in history, we just bugged Oli the whole time and argued over who has the better hands, he won sadly.

 I also got detention in English for speaking my mind, how was I supposed to know the teacher didn't like students correcting him.

 What a dick so now I have to stay after school on Monday to do some so called self-reflection and self-discipline.

Beca and I were walking to meet Vi for lunch, we wanted to sit outside cause it was way too hot in the cafeteria because no one in this town has ever heard of air conditioning or fans.

"Oh I forgot to tell you but Seb and I are going to dress up together for the party," I spoke out quickly hoping she wouldn't make it a big deal, but who am I kidding.

 "No way! You and him? I can't wait to tell Vi, she is going to freak out."  I nervously laughed and we walked outside and saw Vi sitting down at one of the tables claiming it with her bag.

 Beca ran up to her waving her arms above her head and I knew exactly what was coming, "Vi! Vi! Faiths going to the party with Sebastian," she looked at me and I nodded.

 "No fucking way!" I sat down wanting the bench to sallow me up.

"You guys would make the hottest couple," Vi deadpanned as she opened up her lunch "absolutely not."

 "What the fuck do you mean? He's smoking hot and girl you're a smoke show, if you got together my life would be complete."

 Beca nodded in agreement taking her side "don't take her side on this," "Faith don't fight it, anyway it's like you guys are already together in a relationship."

 Really, was that how they saw our relationship because the way I felt every time I look at him it makes me want to punch him in the face, his perfect beautiful face.

I'm so fucking screwed.

 "No, it doesn't how can you get that out of us yelling at eachother all the time? Don't answer that we're moving on."

 "You can deny it all you want but give it a month and he'll be yours."

 "That's so not true, but whatever floats your boat." I tried to deny it but they weren't taking no for an answer so I dropped it and let them have their fun.

I liked the idea of Seb being mine, not that it would ever happen but it felt nice to pretend that we were something more than just him coming to my house after a bad fight,

 I had to stop thinking like this or I'll start to believe it. Shit, I'm in deep, too deep.

"Speaking of the devil," Vi spoke and I looked up and saw the guys walking over, dammit I thought sitting outside would shoo them away, sadly not the case.

They all said their hellos except for Sebastian who just looked away from everyone, what a douchebag.

 Taking their seats conversations started up between everyone, I felt a heaviness surrounding me and I looked up and saw his green gaze on me watching my every move,

 his eyes dropped to the table area in front of me and saw that I wasn't eating, simply because I truly felt like shit and eating made me feel guilty.

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