Chapter 8

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The day had gone by with the ticking of the clock seeming never ending.

It was lunch now and Vi, me and Beca were getting ready to head to the cafeteria to meet the boys and eat.

"Ok, guys we need something to do tonight." Leaning against my locker, I looked at Vi and Beca as we tried to figure out what we could do after school, "we can go to the movie theatre," I nodded my head mostly because that was the only idea we had come up with.

"I'm good with that, I have nothing else to do anyway" "ok great, we'll have a girl's night, what movie do we want to see?" "We'll just figure it out when we're there, no rush." "Agreed," "ok sounds good-" Beca was about to finish her sentence but was interrupted by a screeching voice coming right towards us.

"Faith Walker you fucking bitch." "What the fuck was that?" Vi and Beca looked at me with concerned glances, I smirked at them and turned around knowing exactly who was calling me.

"Oh look who it is, Blair how are you? Long time no see huh?" Blair kept walking closer to me, stopping a few feet away she glared at me with so much hate it made me laugh, "you fucking bitch" the nerve of this girl.

"You want to me call me a bitch go right fucking ahead, it's not going to mean anything coming from you" I could feel my temper rising and my heartbeat increase, I was mad there was no lying about that but I also wanted to laugh at how pathetic this whole situation was.

Vi and Beca took a step so they were on both sides of me, I loved the power I felt as Blair took a step back being intimidated by us.

"Fuck you Faith, go back where you came from."

I took a step forward looking down at her, "oh sweetie I would love to but sadly for me, that's not a fucking option" Vi and Beca snickered beside me stepping back a little letting me deal with Blair.

Multiple curious eyes turned towards us as we were causing a little commotion in the hallway, "you can't just come here and take over the whole school" my anger had risen a little at her voice and I took a deep breath trying to calm my heartbeat.

"You think that's what I want to do? Become fucking queen bee or some shit, no thanks, I'll leave that to the people who give a fuck."

She took a step closer to me and I mimicked her actions, we starting eachother down seeing who would break first but before she could do anything we were interrupted.

We were sizing eachother up seeing who was going to b break first, I looked right back into her brown eyes and a smirk tugged at the corner of my lips.

"Ladies is everything ok?" I tentatively moved my gaze from Blair and turned to the teacher, looking back at her I smirked and spoke,

"just peachy Sir, right Blair?"

she narrowed her eyes at me and turned towards the teacher putting on a distressed mask of emotion.

"Actually Faith came up to me and started to bully me." I scoffed out a laugh and Vi took a step forward trying to tell the teacher but I put my hand up telling Vi not to worry about it.

"Oh you bitc-"

"Faith Walker come with me this insist." "you can't be serious, I didn't do shit. How can you believe her, she's full of shit" he sighed and looked at me, "knowing your track record I have full ability to be concerned about your actions" "oh come on."

"That's not fair Blair was the one who came up to us," Beca raise her voice at the teacher and he looked down at them, "girls get to class this instant." He spoke with no room for argument.

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