Chapter 2

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First day of school, shit.

Pulling myself out of bed I wandered over to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, if I didn't hurry up I would be late and don't get me wrong I couldn't give two shits about that but I draw the line on the first day of school, the second day is fine just not the first.

I let my hair down leaving it with a no shits to give type of style, my outfit also followed the no shits, it consisted of sweatpants, a black tight cropped long sleeve shirt and high top black Converse.

Checking the time I threw on some necklaces and rings and ran out the door grabbing some mint gum, one of life's necessities.

I got into my car and drove the ten minute drive getting there in five, what can I say I am a woman of many talents, one of those being street racing.

"Hi, Faith Walker I'm new here." I was in the principles office getting my schedule, looking down at the tried receptionist, I watched as she typed some things down on her computer. "Yes, Faith we've heard a lot about you," well that's not a good start, "hopefully all good."

I awkwardly laughed and she frowned "I'm afraid not all good things," well you're a bitch "well anyone can change, isn't that right Faith?"

"Yep." Ok I was done with this bullshit and I've been here for three minutes, "ok so in that package is your class list and a map of the school, outside there is a student who will show you around the school and I will give you a hall pass and a late slip so don't worry about rushing to your first class."

"ok," I couldn't even try to sound happy if I tried. "Faith you will have a great year, just stay out of trouble, also I am so sorry to hear about your mom, I used to go to school with her and she was a lovely woman."

She was, but I didn't need anyone else knowing about her death "thanks, but if you could not tell anyone about her death," "ok no problem, that is not mine to say." I didn't thank her instead turned around grabbed the package and walked out, "Have a good first day Faith." I nodded and walked out of her office and saw a short girl with brown hair waiting for me.

"Hi I'm Olivia and I'll be giving you the tour," I didn't like her. She was too happy.

"Cool I'm Faith," she stood up from her position on the wall and walked over to me, "I've heard, your kinda famous in this town," did the whole fucking town know about me or something "wait why?"

"Well when someone new moves to town everyone wants to know them, also your mom, when she was young, was loved by everyone in the town, may I ask why just you and your dad moved here?"

"My parents just got a divorce and they both needed some time apart."

It was the lie I told everyone, the lie of death. "Oh I'm sorry," "don't be, it's not a big deal." Now that one person knew the lie soon everyone will probably know about it too, stuff like this spreads like wildfire.

"And that's pretty much it, this is your first class" Olivia and I just finished walking around the whole school and now I know where all of my classes are and my locker, "thanks a lot this was helpful," I spoke out mustering up the power to al least try and be nice, "anytime if you need anything my locker is just a few down from yours."

I thanked her again and walked into the classroom which with my luck was in the middle of a lesson, "oh sorry, I'm um, Faith."

Every single fucking head turned to look at me and I stood taller and turned to look at the teacher, "Yes miss Walker you can take a seat wherever and listen in on the lesson, I was just explaining the start of the year nonsense.

I nodded and looked for an empty seat I walked to the back of the class and sat down, "hey," someone beside me whispered and I turned my body to look at them "hi." I responded, the guy was good looking, he had dirty blonde hair and looked like he was on the football team, from his muscles and the varsity jacket.

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