After Kadavo

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This is part of an idea I came up with with ashfromyourfire-

they wrote a similar oneshot :)


In everything Obi-Wan beheld, all he saw was hollow.

All he saw was grey.

Something had broken in him. Life hadn't changed - it seemed it would go on, with or without him - but it just seemed so... hollow.

So grey.

And he wasn't even sad himself. He couldn't be. All he could do was think. Think of memories, of distant pain. Present blurs of raw, cool color. Although it all seemed so still.

It felt as though he were on some journey. Some journey that might never end, a crusade – and, perhaps, he was. A crusade for the Republic, for the Jedi, that kept him tethered to the moment.

He'd never noticed it before. He'd had an underlying hope before; now, after Kadavo, after experiencing such helplessness, he didn't know if he was capable of hope anymore. Now, it all... dribbled on.

Part of him wanted to rebel – The part of him that sensed something. Part of him saw nothing in his reflection anymore, yet all he could do was watch. Part of him was hollow; grey.

One evening, he stood in his quarters. All he could do was stare from behind the glass, at the sun setting over the distant horizon, as if in a daze; however, he was anything but. Vehicles and people buzzed by in the Coruscanti airspace – A constant, steady hum.

Like static colliding.

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