Just A Little Fun

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I claim that listening to 5 hours straight of sea shanties hasn't affected me but... I think it has

this idea was simply "clones/sea shanties" and then it pretty much wrote itself from there so that's why the formatting is how it is lol

this might just be the best thing i've ever written 


In all honesty, Rex had absolutely no idea what was going on. 

That didn't mean he wasn't having fun. 

Yes, it was true - Captain Rex could, in fact, have fun. It was rare that he let himself, but it was possible. Though, it only seemed to surprise him nowadays. 

Lots of times, that fun seemed to come in the form of Fives dragging him into something. Occasionally, Cody would abandon his military facade and start acting like the older brother he was. Usually, that would end up with something and Rex would either be laughing hysterically or being teased like a cadet. Most of the time, though, that fun was watching General Skywalker do something... amusing.

Let's just leave it at that. 

Rex's first though upon waking had been 'What in the Kriff's Hell are the Seppies up to this time?' (That was a pretty normal thought for him to wake up with). He'd bolted upright, slipped his helmet on, grabbed his pistols, and made his way out of the barracks. Crouching, he'd slid along the hall until he'd reached the cafeteria. That had been where the sound was emanating. 

With his back pressed up against the wall, he'd listened. 

Listened for a droid, for orders, for blaster fire.

That's when he'd realized that it wasn't the Seppies in the cafeteria. 

It was his brothers. 

A kriffing lot of them. 

In awe, he'd slid his blasters into the holsters on his belt, and slowly taken his helmet off. 

His brothers had renovated the cafeteria - all the tables were neatly stacked up against the wall furthest from the door. The lights were off, so he could hardly see what was going on in the center of the room, but it had seemed everyone was crowded around 3 figures standing on a table. They were all dancing erratically, especially the men on the table. He couldn't make out exactly what they were dancing to. It sounded like it was meant to be a song, but it was more just a chaotically loud chant with a bunch of people stomping their feet. 

Seriously, how in the kriff  had he been the only officer to notice this?

Unless, of course, one of the Generals or Commanders was in on this. 

Who was he kidding. They definitely were. 

Rex hadn't understood a thing his men were shouting. It was something about drunken sailors, he knew that much. No, wait, not drunken sailors, a singular drunken sailor. Which Rex found ironic, since this room was full to the brim with drunken sailors. He couldn't tell which drunken sailors they were, though. He knew it was a combination of the 212th and the 501st, however he couldn't tell who was mainly leading, this... uh... mess.

Then the solo part came on, the cafeteria lights flickered on, and Rex caught sight of exactly who was dancing on the table.

Of course it was Fives. 

Of course Tup was there with him.

Of course Boil was, too. Why would he even be surprised. 

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