A Shattered City

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This Codywan AU is... 


It's based off of the general vibe I get from Once More To See You by Mitski, I started this back in mid-July with just a vibe but then it became something else and I never finished it 

TW: brief suicidal ideation


Cody drove like a maniac. 

That was saying a lot, especially considering the fact that Cody was the friend who would sit in the backseat and tell you to 'slow down' or 'change lanes' or 'adjust your rearview so that you can actually see behind you and not just your face there's an entire other mirror for that Fives' or 'put your seatbelt on.' Cody didn't even have his seatbelt on - in fact his car didn't even have seatbelts - and every so often he would turn in the middle of an intersection or drive on the sidewalk to get around traffic. Once, he even honked at an ambulance at a red light. Not to mention the fact that he was driving about 20 over the speed limit. However by some miracle, they hadn't gotten pulled over yet, even though sirens rang throughout the city.

Obi-Wan now understood why nobody ever let his boyfriend drive.

"Where did you learn how to drive!?" Obi-Wan shouted as the car skidded around a corner, narrowly missing someone in the middle of the crosswalk, "You almost just killed someone!"

Obi-Wan looked back at the person who they'd nearly slammed into. They just kept walking.

"I didn't!" Cody replied as the car straightened out, and they made their way down an empty street bordered by tall, towering buildings and arching streetlights. It was just like every other road they'd been down in this maze of a city. Every. Single. Street. It was driving Cody insane.

"If you're saying you didn't just almost kill someone, no, I'm fairly certain you did," Obi-Wan said, sliding back into his seat after being pressed up in the corner for 10 minutes straight. He was still unnerved and irritated by the fact that Cody's car didn't have seatbelts.

Cody feverishly scanned the empty street in front of him as he tapped his finger on the steering wheel; Obi-Wan wondered if he noticed the pattern he was tapping in. "No, I mean I didn't learn how to drive, dumbass. My parents sent me off to the army before I could take the test."

Obi-Wan held back a scoff. "Oh. Right. So you've told me."

Cody's eyes flicked around - to the sidewalks, to the alleyways they passed, to the dumpsters and the graffiti plastered on... everything. He was starting to freak out - he swore he'd already seen "Down with CIS" painted solidly onto the side of an abandoned brick building or "Plos Bros" spray-painted onto a smoking dumpster at least 4 times each. A smoking dumpster?

This city was weird.

He didn't like it. 

He didn't know where he was.

He needed to get out of here.

Obi-Wan gazed out the window, his arms falling into his lap. "This is odd. We've been down this street before, have we not?"

"So you noticed it too, huh? I'm not just going crazy?" Cody chuckled, although his eyes seemed to differ from the playful tone in his voice. His eyes were flitting, bugging out as he blinked and blinked. It was almost like he was trying to see something, something that couldn't be there.

Cody could barely keep his eyes on the road.

"Where did everyone go?" He mumbled, half to himself as they flew through an empty intersection. The light flashed red.

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