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Modern Anidala fluff :))) 

very short so i apologize, i might add more in the future (thats a lie lol) 

This one's based off of Darling and Ya'aburnee by Halsey 


If it was beautiful outside, Anakin couldn't tell. Padme's beauty made it dull by comparison. 

"Aww, they're probably being squished in there," Padme frowned at the jar of fireflies, "Do you think we should let them out yet?"

 It was true - they were packed in there pretty tight. But Anakin only saw it from the corner of his eye. He was really just looking at her. 

He was really just admiring how she could care so much for some buggy little light-flies. 

On a whim, she looked up at him. Met his eyes. They were staring at hers, staring at the light reflected in them. Like stars. He didn't bother to look away; he wasn't ashamed. She was beautiful. And as long as she was his, he would shamelessly stare and take note of her every feature, tracing it with his eyes and making sure that he didn't miss a heartbeat or a breath. 

He wouldn't miss a thing, wouldn't ever miss her. 

She let a cloud of breath out into the cool air. 

She held his eyes for a moment longer. 

A breeze rustled through the wall of trees that formed the border around their little tile of the world.

It was a late summer night, but spring seemed to linger between them. 

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