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I don't know whether this counts as young Obitine or not 

I sorta came up with this idea a few months ago, this is just the shortened version of that because i didn't know how to write it lmao

so here I am

finally writing it


Draboon wasn't Satine's favorite planet. It wasn't even her second favorite, or her 3rd, 4th or 5th or even her 6th. It was somewhere around her 891st, which was interesting because she couldn't even name that many planets. But she had to admit, when she wasn't getting overwhelmed by a swarm of venomites or hiding in dark, moldy caves, the planet could be beautiful. She figured she had the turbulence of the rest of her time here to thank for that peace of mind.

 It was calm moments like these that allowed her to realize that.

The scent of flowers and rain filled the air. She was so happy they'd stumbled upon this meadow; its beautiful colors stretched across the plateau. In the distance, beyond the forest and towering above the clouds, was the mountain they'd left behind a week or so prior. Now, they were in the middle of the field, surrounded by the vibrant green grass and brilliant flowers, accompanied by the ocean and its sounds.

Butterflies fluttered around and flowers seemed to bloom as she picked them. She almost wished she could die here - surrounded by flower petals, surrounded by the ocean and its echo, surrounded by the beauty of life. This, this is serenity, she decided as she took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. A smile graced her lips. This is what the Jedi strive for. This is the accomplishment of a many few in the galaxy. This instance is life.

"Satine! Don't wander too far off, you're still in danger here!" 

Normally, she'd groan and yell back, but not even Obi-Wan's excessive worry could ruin her mood now. So, she laughed and started walking back towards the two figures standing on the edge of the meadow. "Coming!" 

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