39 :: At The Amusement Park ::

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"The amusement park?" Dad asked my brother.

"Uh-huh," He nods along. "Told you, dad, you are too old for this place."

Meanwhile I was practically jumping up and down, "OH MY GOD!!! YES CAN WE GO IN??"

"See, I told you I know how to have fun!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Sure, you do, brother! Now can we go in, please!" I begged him as I started dragging him towards the gate, dad following us shortly after.

The amusement park looked fun, it has been a few months since I last visited one. I remember the last time I was here was with Somin, now that we are speaking of her, she still hasn't texted me—but I shook my head because I was not about to let that ruin this trip for me.

"looks like you have consumed a lot of sugar," Jimin commented, after seeing me so excited.

"Oh! shut up," I shrugged, "just go and buy us the tickets!"

"Alright! Try not to get lost in the meantime." He looked at all the other people who were around us, he was right, the place was rather crowded. Couples walking around, kids crying as they hung onto their parents—probably for some useless thing they saw--groups of teenagers wandering around—It seemed as if the entire city had decided to come to the amusement park today.

I didn't even notice that jimin had walked away to get the tickets and I was left alone standing with my dad, we were rather awkward around each other—anyone would be after all the things that had happened in the past few months, besides my earlier perception about him didn't exactly help either—but I could tell that he was trying, at least.

"You wanna bet that Jimin will try to win one of those fancy stuffed toys for you?" My dad whispered to me, looking ahead as I saw Jimin returning back from the ticket queue.

I smirked, "in that case, he will have to defeat me in the shooting stall and that is impossible unless he is a secret agent."

I looked at my dad and this time, he had an unusual glint in his eyes, "Sure!"

Jimin returned and gave the both of us our passes which we were to wear as bands on our hand—he already had his tied to his wrist.

"So where do you wanna go to first?" my father asked as we made our way through the gates of the amusement park after showing our passes to the employees stationed there.

"HOORAY! THE ROLLER COASTER FIRST!!" I shouted, running in the direction of the roller coaster—and who wouldn't? it was the first thing anyone would see as soon as they entered.

"ugh! I never liked those, always leaves me nauseous after it's over." Dad complained but followed me and my brother, nonetheless.

"Told you, dad! You are getting old!" Jimin laughed.

"Am not,"

"so are,"

"I WANT TO SIT IN THE FRONT ROW!" I shouted again as we made to the queue.

"Front row?" Dad looked frightened.


But there was this kid who was standing in front me who heard me—he didn't look older than ten—he looked at me horrified.

"You aren't sitting in the front row because my nana and I are going to sit there," the boy told me.

Meh, like I was going to listen to him.

"Who allowed you in here? Aren't you like eight? Isn't there an age restriction?" I asked the kid.

"I am twelve!" the kid fumed back at me.

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