6 :: Chocolate Cake ::

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After an hour or two I realized that I really messed up. I admit that I was angry when I said those words to my mum, but I shouldn't have said those things. She has been through a lot already, she has taken care of me since the day I was born. How could I say that she didn't care about me, anymore? It was the slur of the moment, I reckon that is why those words came out of my bloody mouth.

But what she did wasn't right either. How could she choose Mr. Kim over me? She has known me for 17 years and she knows Mr. Kim for just about 2 years. I don't regret what I said to Mr. Kim, though. He deserved it for taking my mum away for me, for not letting me finish my ice cream in the hotel the other day, for basically everything. I don't blame my mum for all this, I blame Mr. Kim.

It was currently 7 in the evening, I didn't go down after my mum told me to go upstairs to my room, I didn't even go down for lunch neither did she call me and to be honest I was fine with it.

But right now I'm hungry! What do you expect from a person who has neither eaten her breakfast nor lunch? I reckon I have to sneak down at midnight but my bloody stomach can't wait until midnight. This is it! This is my life now! I've had a fight with my mum and now I'm going to die in my room.


I looked away from the window of my room I saw my mum standing at the doorway of my room. What does she want now? Wasn't she the one who told me she didn't wanna see my face for the rest of the day? I raised an eyebrow at her as if to ask what was she doing here.

"Hey, (y/n) can I come in?" She asked me. Alright! Hold on a sec, what is wrong with her? Did she undergo a change of heart?

I nodded and she came in and sat beside me on my bed.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

We both said simultaneously. I looked at my mum, shock was written all over my face, my mum never says sorry, not even to me, so this one really came out of nowhere.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked my mum.

"Well, I wasn't really being a great mum during the past few months, I hardly spent time with you because of my work. I didn't know it was affecting you this much. I am really sorry for that." My mum said as she gave me a sad smile and I mirrored her expression.

"Does that mean you are not going to marry Mr. Kim?" I asked hopefully.

My mum chuckled and shook her head.

"Dear, sometimes you really need someone beside you and Haejin is one of those people that I want beside me." She explained and I nodded.

"Do you even want his sons to be beside you?" I asked.

"Even his sons." My mum answered.

"Does that mean that you don't like dad?" I asked.

She looked at me and then sighed.

"I never stopped loving him! There will always be a special place for him in my heart." She said.

"But he left you, didn't he?" I asked as I rested my head on my knees.

"Nonetheless, I still love him." My mum shrugged as though we were talking about the most random thing on earth.

"Why?" I asked.

"(Y/n) I promise that when time comes, I will tell you everything you wanna know about your dad but now is not the right time."

"You always say that." I sighed.

"Because the time isn't right, you have gotta be patient (y/n)!" She explained.

And when will this so called right time come? Was the thing I wanted to shout at my mum but I decided against it. I didn't want her to be mad at me again, not after she said sorry to me.

Therefore I just nodded my head instead.

"So, when will you be getting married?" I tried to change the topic.

"Next month," she said and I looked at her as if she had gone mad.

"Don't you think that you guys are rushing things?" I asked her.

"Um, No," my mum said. "I reckon the sooner the better!"

"So do you accept our marriage?" My mum asked.

"Are you happy with him? Are you sure he isn't just using you? If you are happy, I'll accept this marriage. " I asked her.

"He is a good guy, y/n."

"But he is rich, mum. I don't trust rich guys, I don't want your heart to be broken once more." I said.

"I understand but trust me on this one, hm?" She asked and I nodded.

"Just because I accepted your marriage dosen't mean I'll call him or even consider him as my dad." I stated.

"We'll see, I'm sure that at the end you'll call him dad." My mum said.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Whatever you say, y/n." My mum said sarcastically and after that she hugged me tightly, I guess I really needed that hug, it made me feel that everything was going to be fine. I felt safe.

"Now, come downstairs with me, you've not eaten anything since morning. I made you a chocolate cake." She said as she put a strad of my hair behind my ear.

"You really did?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Without me? Why would you do that to me after all y'know I love baking." I pretended to be hurt and wiped a fake tear. I think overdramaticness runs in our family.

My mum playfully rolled her eyes.

"Oh, since you won't eat it, I think I'll have to finish it, myself." My mum said over dramatically.

"Hey! I didn't say I wouldn't eat it! After all you made it with so much love and effort for me, can't let your efforts go in vain, can we?" I said.

My mum chuckled. "Come down then."


So I don't know why but I decided to publish this book again and know what I am already regretting it! I wanna dig a hole and scream! I can't believe I am doing this again!

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