38 :: Going Broke ::

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"Please, jimin" I begged as jimin tried to get rid of me but he couldn't as I was attached to his legs like a koala.

"Let go of me, (y/n)" he said as he tried to get out of my grasp.

"No! Not until you say yes!" I whined.

"Go and ask your other brothers." He said as he glared down at me for annoying him so much.

"Yes and I did,"

"Cool," he said back. "I assume they said no? How many of them did you ask? Probably you should go and ask your hobi oppa, he will say yes to you for sure."

"What makes you think I haven't asked him already?" I pouted up at him.


"He was in a rush to get somewhere, he said we could go later as it really was an emergency. He even said that in order to made it up to me, he would buy me ice cream later." I said, "Much better of a brother than you, isn't he?"

He rolled his eyes, "TT, Favouratism, I see. Dear, darling, sister how about you go and bother someone else as I am really busy right now."

"Brother-dearest, I find it my utmost priority to report it back to you that, everyone that I have asked so far is busy." I replied back.

"Yoongi hyung?"

"He was sleeping, it looks like he hasn't slept in days. Besides, he did get back home late during the past few days, he literally has a sign put up outside his bedroom saying that he would drown me in pool and ban ice cream for me for the rest of the year if I woke him up from his slumber." I shrugged.

"Namjoon hyung?"

"Jeez you will do anything to get rid of me, won't you?" I continued, "Namjoon isn't at home, he and mum went out somewhere, when I asked where they were going, they brushed it off by saying 'business related stuff' and when I asked if I could tag along with them, they said it would be too boring and that I would sleep through out the meeting if I had gone with them."

"And now I know what you are going to do, you are going to ask me about the other three as well." I said, "Well, bad news for you because Jungkook is busy preparing for the upcoming mid-term evalution of the uni. Jin said he was going to kill me for eating his chocolate batter along with you and taehyung, I can't beleive he is still crying over that. Well, as for Taehyung, he is out walking yeotan, I threatened him that I would kidnap yeotan if he did not come with me but he only laughed at me and went on saying how I could just dream about it."

"Wait, don't tell me that I am the last one you came to ask!" Jimin said with disbelief written on his face. He seemed rather offended.

"But of course you are the last, indeed." I grinned back at him.

"Bruh, just so you know, I am offended and among the all 7 of us, I am the coolest of them all." He bragged.

"Uh-huh sure, but you are being such a mood killer right now." I rolled my eyes at him.

"As much as I am offended by the fact that you considered me the least interesting bloke in the entire household, I think now the time has come to actually show you how cool and better I am than the rest of my brothers when it comes to getting up to mischeif and fun." He shrugged.

"What does that me?" I raised my eyebrows up at him.

"First, let go of my leg."

"But you still haven't agreed to come out with me." I said back.

"Gurl, how am I supposed to walk with you hanging on my leg like that? Let go of it so that we can go out and have fun? Now, leave my leg baby sister."

"If you are trying to double cross me, I swear I will hunt you down and make you regret it" I warned, "And I am not a baby, you are. Baby brother."

He did nothing but roll his eyes at me as I finally let go of his leg.

"Ah! Now that feels better."

He went to the side table in his room and fetched, what I supposed, were the car keys.

"C'mon now, let's not wait for the grass to grow." He said as he made his way towards the door.

"Uh, as much as I appreciate you coming with me, where are we going? I wanted to go to the arcade." I said as we both got out of his room.

"Bruh, that is where kids go to play." He replied back. "We are going somewhere that is much better than that place."

Just as we were about to get out of the house, we ran into the last person I expected to be in the house at this time, I mean he usually comes back home late from work.

"Hey Dad," Jimin greeted 'dad'.

"Hi Dad," I followed my brother and gave my dad a smile. After the drug factory incident I realized that it wasn't much big of a deal if I called him dad, besides this man right here was always there for me, he brought me whatever I needed, saved me from my own mum sometimes and even cared for me even though I had thrown many tantrums his way from time to time.

After all what he has done for me, it would not hurt to give him a chance. He is more of a father figure to me than my real dad could ever be.

"Hello you two," he gretted back with an unusual twinkl in his eyes along with a goofish smile plastered across his face.

"Wow, you are back early today!! Usually, I would not even get to see you until dinner time, dad!! What brings you home so early today?" I asked him with a smile.

"Really? I did not notice that I  spent that much time in the office, I think it is safe to say that there was less work for me to handle today." He explained.

He then eyed the car's key in Jimin's hand and asked, "You two are going somewhere, aren't you?"

"Yep," I replied "But Jimin won't tell me where to!"

"I told you, it is a place much better than your arcade." Jimin teased.


"Can I come with you two?" He asked while Jimin and I looked at him wide-eyed.

"You will?" Jimin asked and our dad, nodded his head.

"But I don't even know where we are off to." I informed him.

"Yes dad and I can assure you that the place we are off to is definitely not meant for old people." Jimin said in a matter-of-factly voice and I nugged him in his ribs.


"That is rude," I sarcastically smiled at him.

"Jeez, you act like you aren't rude to most of us almost all the time," he said under his breath. After hearing that I made a mental note to keep Jimin on top of my hit list for my next prank.

"Jimin-ah, who says that I am old? I can still climb mount everest if I want to." He said flexing his biceps.

"Dad, you will get a heart attack and you, for sure, will feel nauseous after coming with us." Jimin replied back.

"Son, I am stronger than that, besides I haven't been spending time with my family from the past few months, what better opportunity to bond with my daughter and son if not this one?" He said back.

"Fine, dad." And with that the three of us exited the house and into Jimin's car.


A/n: Alright so this chapter was originally supposed to be a bit more longer but I really don't feel like adding it all in one.

Besides, I am not even sure if this chapter Is good enough or not 😭 The ending was a bit rushed if you can't already tell.

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