16 :: Bumping Into A Moron ::

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I was running! Why? You ask. Isn't that obvious because my nice, loving and caring brothers made rules for my safety and made me memorize all the thirty five bloody rules.

I was running and when I turned the corner I bumped into someone and fell down!

I should probably apologize to this guy!

"Watch where you are going, B**ch!" He shouted at me.

No, He doesn't deserve my apology and if he thinks I am going to let him go without a fight then he is wrong. I ain't afraid of no one well maybe except my mum, my step-dad and my step-brothers.

"Shut the f*ck up! Moron! You weren't looking where you were going, either!" I yelled at him as I got up to go to class again.

"Do you f*cking know who I am?" He yelled.

Ah! I am late for class and this git isn't letting me go. He wants a fight then so shall be it. Bring it on.

"Are you a sewer rat? Because your nasty attitude is speaking for yourself. No, even rats are better than you!!" I shouted at him.

"I am dongwook and believe me you don't even wanna mess with me." He said and smirked.

Dongwook? Where have I heard that name before? Oh yes, isn't he a member of the stupid red coders! I wonder what his attitude will be, once he finds out that I am BTS' step sister! But I don't want people to know so I'll let the step sister card slip.

Talking to this Moron alone, I was violating four f*cking rules made by my brothers.

Rule number 2: Do not talk to boys, Rule Number 13: Stay away from boys, Rule number 24: Never go near any of the members of Red coders and Rule No. 35: Never violate any rules. But does it look like I care about their f*cking rules right now? Hell, No.

"Sod off, toerag, and let me go I dont wanna be late for my class, unlike you." I said and started making my way towards my class.

He was too flabbergasted to say anything. Pheraphs, it was the first time for him when a girl outsmarted him.

Suddenly anger took over his face and he  pinned me against the wall with my neck.

"What did you just call me?" He yelled.

"Didn't you hear? Are you deaf? I called you a toerag!" I said and he tightened his grip against my neck and my hands automatically went up to remove his hands from my neck.

If I say that I wasn't scared, then I'd be lying but I am not about to confess that in front of this moron. Someone has to teach him a lesson and I shall be that someone.

I was about to use my shin to Kick him in his balls but someone yelled from behind us, "let go of her."

Dongwook turned his neck to see who had the audacity to stop him and it was none other than one of my step brothers.

I'm so dead now. If this moron doesn't kill me, then yoongi will do it for him.

Dongwook's expression changed from that of anger to amusement but he still kept his hands on my neck.

"I said let her go!" Yoongi said calmly.

Aren't you gonna punch him? He is literally holding me by my neck, you should be angry, think about the family name! What kind of brother do I have?

"Why? Suga? What is she to you?" He asked but before suga could say something else I took my chance. I kicked him and pushed him away from me, considering his grip wasn't that tight, I was free.

He stumbled a few steps and glared at me.

"B*tch," he said and lunged at me, again.

But before he could be at me, yoongi held him back by his forearm and pushed him away from me.

"We told you to not to treat girls like that, didn't we? You are lucky that it is me, Now scram before I change my mind and decide to make you all blue and black." He yelled at the guy.

Suga did look intimidating. If I were that guy, I would be running for my life by now.

The boy shot me one last glare as if to say that this wasn't over and then he went his way.

I also tried to slip away, but unfortunately, Suga noticed me.

"What rules did we make in the morning? Did you forget them already?" He said.

"I didn't do anything, I swear. That guy was treating me like rubbish and I totally lost it." I shrugged.

"Your anger will someday get you in trouble." He said.

"Are you going to tell the others about this incident?" I asked. "Please don't, I dont want the whole uni to know that you are my brothers."

He sighed and said, "Meet me after school! We will talk this through!" He said as he went his way.

I am in trouble, aren't I?



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