5 :: You Don't Love Me Anymore ::

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I exhaled loudly. Why am I feeling this nervous? I didn't even feel this nervous when I was giving my finals as a senior. She won't eat me, she is my mum after all.

I was sitting on the backseat of a car. Probably it was Mr. Kim's car, he had sent the car to Jisoo's house along with a driver to pick me up. As for me there was no need to do this. I could have taken a bus, if he thinks that after doing this my opinions about him are going to change, then he is wrong.

"Miss Rivers, we are here!" The driver said as he stopped in front of our house.

"Call me y/n, will you?" I snapped at the driver for probably the hundredth time. Although, I knew that he wouldn't stop calling me miss Rivers.

I got off the car and started taking small steps towards our house. My heart felt like it would come out of my chest. I finally reached the door. My hand lingered on the door bell. I was having an argument with my conscience whether to ring the bell or not.

Damn it, y/n, she won't kill you. I rang the bell. Oh no! What have I done? Is it too late to turn around! Save me, please. It will be a right time for a tsunami to hit, even an earthquake will do. But to my dismay nothing like that happened. By now I was sweating like a pig.

The door finally opened and before I could do anything someone hugged me tightly.

"Thank god, y/n, you are fine!" My mum sighed.

What! She isn't mad at me! Guess, it is my lucky day.

She pulled away from the hug, "Why did you go to Jisoo's house without informing me? Do you know how worried I was? Disappearing like that, what were you thinking?" My mum yelled at me.

Nevermind, I take back what I said before. She is mad at me.

"Can we discuss all this inside the house mum?" I asked my mum because public humiliation wasn't something I was looking forward to.

My mum rubbed her temples as she led me to the lounge. That is when I saw him there.

"What is he doing here?" I snapped before thinking twice.

"Behave, y/n. You have no right to talk to him like that after what you have done." My mum said in a firm voice.

Oh so now she is going to take his side over me.

"It is Alright, honey, don't talk to her like that, she just came back." Kim Haejin said to my mum.

What on earth is this man trying to do? First my mum yells at me because of him and now he is trying to convince my mum to not talk to me like that.

I don't know why but him taking my side makes me even angrier at him. He can't take my side like that. He needs to understand that things aren't going to work this way.

"Shut up, would you? It is between me and my mum, you have no say in that!" I yelled at him.

"(Y/n) that is it, Apologise to him now!" My said now getting frustrated at me. "Why are you shouting at him he is trying to save you from me?"

"No, I won't! Why should I, anyway? He must understand that he can't speak between us." I shouted as I waved my hands between me and my mum.

"(Y/n), I will say one more time, apologise to him!" My mum said in a dangerously calm voice.

"No mum I won't, do you wanna hear the truth? The truth is I don't like him at all, and I despise him with all my heart, I hate him!" I yelled at them.

Mum was fuming with anger, on the contrary, Mr. Kim was standing there with somewhat hurtful expression on his face.

"Your room, (y/n)! I don't wanna see you for the rest of the day, go now!" My mum said to me.

"Fine, stay with your new husband. It is not like you love me or care for me. Moreover, now you have sons as well." I said. "Did you even notice when I left the hotel? It took you 15 damned mins to realize that I was gone!"

I stormed out of the living room and went upstairs to my bedroom. I wanted to go to my room partly because I didn't want to cry in front of Mr. Kim and also because I didn't want them to think that I am weak.

I slammed my bedroom's door behind me, took my headphones and started blasting music because music really helps you to calm your nerves down.

My life was going so well but then Mr. Kim appeared out of nowhere and ruined it all. I was happy with my mum and I always wanted a dad but that didn't mean that some random guy could come and become my dad. I wanted to be with my real dad.



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