13 :: The Wedding ::

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What the hell am I even doing here? I am here standing as my mum's maid of honour. Come to think of it this is the first wedding I've ever attended. There aren't much people, maybe somewhere between 50 and 65. And you know what the most ridiculous thing is? I don't know any of them.

I wasn't allowed to invite any of my friends because it was a family event but the boys didn't get to invite their friends either. When I told my friends that they couldn't attend the wedding they were really sad but they didn't let it show on their faces. I was feeling kinda down as well when I told them. But it was also good because if they had come, they would have found out about BTS being my brothers.

"Do you, Kim Haejin, take Eujin Rivers as your wife?"

"I do," Mr. Kim replied.

"Do you, Eujin Rivers, take Kim haejin as your husband?" The priest asked.

No, she dose not. Now, can I go home? because I'm bored. I didn't know weddings were so boring.

"I do," mum said happily.

"You may kiss the bride," as soon as the priest said that I squinted my eyes shut  because I didn't want to witness an 18+ scene and I am not even 18 yet.

Okay, fine it is not an 18+ scene and it is also not like I haven't seen someone kiss before. It is just that I don't want to see them kissing. It is like invading there personal space or something. It will take some time for me to get used to see them kissing.

There were some clapping and whistling and when it died down I opened my eyes again and hopefully they weren't kissing anymore.

That is over then! Can I go home now?

We went out of the church and my mum was about to throw the bouquet and loads of girls were standing behind her to catch it.

Why are they so desperate to get married? Live your life, you don't need a man to look after you, follow your dreams. But still who cares about my opinion?

Someone suddenly came and hugged me tightly! What the heck? What is with people coming and throwing themselves at me?

"We are related, Omg! I can't believe this! Why didn't you tell me your step father was Kim haejin?" Somin shouted in my ear.

"W-What, we are related? How? And what the hell are you even doing here?" I asked her because her being here was the last thing I expected.

"You see, Kim Haejin is my Uncle and now your mum is my aunt that means we are cousins!!" She squealed.

Oh! So that is how she knew about Jimin.

"Why didn't you tell me your mum's boyfriend was Uncle Haejin?" She asked.

"Because I don't want people to find out that they are my brothers!" I said and pointed at BTS.

"Yeah, I can understand! Poor you now you have to live 24/7 with them." She said and patted my back.

"Don't give me sympathy, you look ugly when you do that!" I retorted.

My mum threw the bouquet and some random girl caught it.

"So, what now? Do we go home?" I asked.

"No, silly! We go to the wedding reception now!" She said.

I saw my mum getting in a car with Mr. Kim and they started driving away and waving at people.

"Who am I suppose to go with they already departed!" I muttered.

"(Y/n), do you really not know or are you being scarcastic? Of course, you can't go with the newly wedded couple!" She explained as she slapped the back of my head lightly.

"No, seriously, this is the first wedding I've ever attended! How am I suppose to know such things when I haven't seen them before?" I asked.

"Are you coming with us or should we leave you here, midget?" Jimin shouted from where he was standing.

"Look who is calling me midget." I huffed so that only Somin could hear me.

"Do you wanna come with me and my parents? You can get to know them, they are your uncle and aunt now, you haven't met them before, right?" She asked and I nodded.

It was true that I hadn't met her parents before because they were busy people. Whenever I visited her house, her parents weren't usually around. And anyway why will I go with my step brothers when I can just go with my best friend?

"Yeah, I'll come with you." I said to Somin.

"You can go without me, I'm coming with Somin and her parents, dwarf." I yelled back. I really wanted to see his expression when I called him dwarf but I didn't get to because Syringia dragged me with her to her parents' car.

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