19 :: Intruders In My House ::

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I took a bus, the bus dropped me five miles away from my home and then I started walking home.

"I'm never taking a bus ever again to this place," I panted after walking about 3 or 4 miles in the sun. "There is one more mile left, I wish I had a phone!"

After much walking and cursing myself for my stupidity I finally reached home. I was standing at the two large gates in front of my house when the realization hit me.

"Oh! Why is it always me?" I said to myself as I stared at the passcode machine near the gates.

The gates won't open until I put the right passcode. Just what I wanted.

"If this was my house, what would I keep the password?" I wondered. "Of course, my birthday! Mr. Kim must have put the passcode as his birthday!"

"But I don't know his birthday!" I face palmed.

I randomly started entering number in Hopes of that the door might open.

After about 10 to 15 trials, some weird sound started coming from a distance and within a few minutes a few men could be seen running towards the gates. Uh-oh! I might have set security alarm on after dialing random passcodes.

"Who are you? Surrender yourself!" The man shouted from inside.

"I am (y/n), now let me in. Can someone tell me the bloody passcode, please!" I yelled back.

The man came nearer to take a closer look of my face.

"Oh! Ms. Kim it is you," the man said. "We thought it were our enem-robbers! Yeah, robbers!" The man said.

"Who would be foolish enough to rob a house in broad daylight?" I chuckled as the man opened the door to let me in. I knew he was about to say something else but changed the word to robbers.

"Why aren't the young masters with you, Miss kim?" The man asked as I started walking through the garden towards the house.

"Oh, that! I decided to come home early! Can you call them and tell them that I'm home?" I asked and the man nodded.

"And by the way, the passcode is 08062056, just in case you need it for future uses, Miss," he said as I opened the front door to go inside the house.

Damn, there is no way in hell that I will remember that password. Must right it down somewhere.

I nodded and went inside the house and the security guard went to set the alarm off.

I was about to go up the stair when I suddenly heard noises, I quickly hid behind the staircase.

"There is no one in the house," I could hear one man speaking.

"Yeah, I can see that for myself!" Other one said.

"Where are the other three?" The first one asked.

"They are in some of the BTS' member's room." The second one answered.

Oh my god! There are robbers in my house! But they look too young to rob a house. Whatever, (y/n) a robber is a robber. How did they come inside the house when I myself had problems coming inside the house? What should you do when there are robbers in your house? Shout? Clearly not! I saw an antique vase beside me.

Bingo! I got my weapon, I'll just knock them off and will call somebody for help afterwards but that vase looks expensive, however, house is more important than any vase! Sorry, vase, you have lived a long life, I will never forget your sacrifice.

I picked up the vase and dropped my bag down on the ground.

I slowly walked towards them.

I was about to hit the first boy's head with the vase but suddenly the second boy turned and noticed me so he pulled the first boy out of my way and they both fell down on the floor.

"AHHHHHH!!!" The first boy yelled. "Who are you? We thought there was no one in the house!"

But I didn't answer him instead I threw the vase at him, he dodged the vase and the vase was now lying on the floor, shattered.

"Have you gone mad?" The second boy yelled.

"Hyungs! Why are you shouting?" Someone called from up the stairs.

Three more people came downstairs.

"Who are you?" One of the three boys, who came down, asked.

Five against one, I'm done for. I have lived a good life. I'll miss that chocolate under my pillow which I never ate.


This one had me rolling on the floor

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This one had me rolling on the floor.😂

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