22 :: Chaos Reigns Again ::

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The news was out. The whole university knew that you were pregnant - KIDDING! Anyway, let's get on with the story.

It's been a few days since the ghost incident. Hoseok and I are on good terms. I haven't made an effort to talk to the rest of my brothers. I still have to take my revenge from yoongi.

It is like any other normal day in school. I am sitting in the canteen waiting for my friends to arrive. I haven't texted or talked to mum because, obviously, I don't have any phone. I wonder how she is doing.

"What is taking them so long?" I asked myself as I was becoming impatient.

"Guess I'll have to go and search for them," I nodded to myself and got up from my seat.

I went to the rooftop to see if any of my friends was there but to my dismay no one was there. Where does everyone go when you need them so badly?

I was strolling through the hallways when I saw the last person I wanted to meet at that time. A smirk was plastered on his face and he was looking down at me. Oh! How I wish I could wipe that smirk off his face!

"Hey, Sweetie!" He cooed.

I scoffed and said, "Didn't V warn you to not come near me, Minhuyk?"

"But V isn't here, is he?" He asked. "You can make out with me for the meantime."

"Shut the hell up, I don't have time for your nonsense, I'm busy!" I said to him and started walking.

He followed behind me and said, "just one date won't do you any harm, V don't have to know about this!" He said. "Why is V after you anyway? I haven't seen him with a girl before."

"I dunno, why don't you go and ask him? Oh, sorry, I forgot that you are scared of him." I retorted. "If you are done leave me the heck alone."

"Oh, please, my pinky has more power than V." He bragged.

"Hasn't anyone told you that it isn't good to brag?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes, "C'mon baby, just one date!"

I stopped in my tracks and cringed when he called me that. Suddenly a 'thump' was heard from behind me and I turned around to see what that git has done now. To my surprise I saw Jungkook landing a punch on Minhyuk and Jungkook wasn't alone he had V, jimin and j-hope with him. Oh my god! What is the probability of Minhyuk not ending in the infirmary after this? The answer is 0.

Jimin started kicking Minhyuk and shouted, "What did you just call her? Didn't V tell you to stay away from her and you also said that you are more powerful than V, let's see. V if you will."

"Guys, stop." I yelled

V ignored me and replied back to Jimin. "With pleasure, so you said your pinky is more powerful than me, huh."

Then V stamped Minhyuks pinky with his foot and Minhyuk groanded in pain. The Mankae's were kicking and punching Minhyuk up and he was bleeding in just a spam of a min.

"I told you to stop," I yelled as I went forward and grabbed jungkook's arm for him to stop.

"Let go," jungkook yelled.

"But you promised you won't interfere in my business." I shouted at them.

J-hope dragged me away from Jungkook and Jungkook started punching the guy again. He banged his head against the locker. Minhyuk was almost unconscious by now.

"Hobi, let go of me!" I said to him as he was still holding me back.

"You have to understand (y/n), he was asking you out." J-hope said and looked at the boy with a disgusting look.

The scene in front of my eyes was terrible, people were starting to gather around us but no one dared to stop them.

Minhyuk's face was all bloody and he was groaning due to pain.

"I warned you," Taehyung said between the frantic punches that he was throwing at the poor boy.

"Tae!" A loud and stern voice was heard and the sea of people parted to reavel the owner of the voice.

It was none other than, Namjoon. He looked furious.

"All of you, the rooftop, now!" He said and looked at me, Hoseok, jimin, taehyung and Jungkook.

"I don't want anyone on the rooftop whilst I'm talking to them. If I found anyone of you eavesdropping, I'll make sure that it will be your last day." He said to the people in the hallway.

"And delete that video," He said to the students who were making videos and grabbed the phone of the nearest kid who was making the video and threw his phone on the ground. "Take this guy to the infirmary!"

He gave a last glance to the crowd and stormed to the rooftop with us following behind.

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