23 :: Text From The Unknown ::

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The newly wedded couple were enjoying their honeymoon in hawai.

"Hawai is really good at this time of year, isn't it, dear?" Eujin asked her husband.

"Yeah but I am a bit worried about the kids." Haejin said.

"They will have to get used to each other at some point." Eujin replied. "Anyway, How are they all doing?"

"I sent Eunha yesterday to check upon the kids. It was really sad that she couldn't come to our wedding, though!" He said. "I also called Jin in the morning to ask about how they were doing."

"What did he say?" Eujin asked.

"Well, he said the there wasn't much going on and also that (y/n), Taehyun and kai scared the hell out of Hoseok, yesterday. They sneaked in his room and pretended to be ghosts." He said with a smile on his face.

On the contrary, Eujin started panicking.

"Oh no! This girl, Hobi is really scared of such things!" Eujin started rambling.

"She just did it for fun, honey. No need to be mad on her and I don't remember the last time someone pranked the boys and got away with it." Haejin chuckled.

Just then Mr. Kim received a text from an unknown number.


Looks like you are enjoying your holiday, crooked frostbite. Have you ever wondered what will happened to your kids behind your back? Especially your daughter, (y/n). Don't wanna lose one more daughter, do you now?

When he read that message, all colours were drained from his face.

"It couldn't be...No No." He mumbled and shook his head. To say he was terrified of the message would be an understatement because it wasn't just a message, it was a threat to Mr. Kim. Whoever sent the message to him knew his underworld name, nobody knew his or his seven sons identity in the mafia world. It was like they were invisible but their presence could be sensed.

The only people who knew his identity in the mafia world were his seven sons; his enemy who killed his late wife and daughter, but it couldn't be his enemy because he destroyed the whole gang after he killed his wife and daughter but there were slight possibilities that it could be his enemy because he some how escaped at that time, the boys were really small when they lost their Mother and sister, but his enemy wouldn't dare to attack his family now, right? Because he was weak. Anyway, Mr. Kim wouldn't let anything happen to any member of his family, not this time. These people weren't the only people who knew about his identity there was also someone who knew his identity and it was.....

"Who is it?" Eujin asked seeing the distressed looked on her husband's face.

Mr. Kim showed her the message and gulped. When Eujin finished reading the message, her eyes widened.

"No way! It couldn't be him, could it?" She mumbled. "I won't let anything happen to (y/n) or the boys---"

"It is Alright," Mr. Kim patted her back. "Nothing will happen to the boys and as long as (y/n) is with the boys nothing could happen to her."

"What should we do now?" She asked and glared at the message.

"Let's tighten the security around the house and when we go back I'll discuss the matter with my right hand man. For the meantime, let me call Namjoon and warn him about this." He mumbled.

Eujin didn't even realize and started crying. "I don't wanna lose (y/n) or the boys or you. I can't, we should go home, let's go home, please!"

Haejin hugged his wife and reassured her, "It's alright, love. Nothing will happen to anyone. Even if it is who we think it is, he wouldn't dare to attack us because he is weak, hm. You trust me, right?"

Eujin nodded between her sobs. Mr. Kim pecked her lips and said, "It's alright, Hm. I'll call Namjoon and ---" but Eujin cut him off.

"Namjoon is still a kid. What--" bunow mr. Kim chuckled and cut his wife off.

"You have seen Namjoon but you haven't seen RM, you have not seen his mafia side yet, have you? You should not doubt him. Despite him being 19 year old, he is really capable of such things."

Eujin nodded with a small smile on her face.

"Let's call him, then!" He said as he took out his phone and dialled his son's number.

𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏....

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