4 :: Jisoo's Parents Are Legends ::

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Oh No! I told Jisoo's mum that I didn't want to talk to my mum, didn't I? I looked at jisoo with a bewildered expression on my face.

"Don't worry, come on let's go down." She said as we made our way downstairs.

Please, God don't let it be my mum. I've never done something wrong in my whole life, yeah maybe a few times but that doesn't count, does it?

We came down and we saw a figure sitting on a sofa but we couldn't see the figure's face properly because Jisoo's mum was standing in front of that figure and they were....snogging each other? What the hell why would my mum snog Jisoo's mother?

"Hey! Dad, it is you, what took you so long today?" Jisoo asked her dad. Oh! So it is her dad! How could I not recognize him? Then again Mrs. Kim was standin' in front of him. So it is not completely my fault for not recognizing him.

The couple finally let go of each other whem they heard Jisoo's voice, and looked at us.

"Hi, jisoo, Y/n!! I knew y/n was here because Yuna called me and told me! So I though why don't I bring you guys some ice cream and chocolates, so that we can hold a midnight feast! The young people stuff, y'know." He laughed and waved at the bags he brought with him.

I always liked Jisoo's dad, he was so kind and he loved jisoo so much, sometimes I wonder where the hell my dad would be? Well, if he had cared about us, he wouldn't have left us in the first place but there was still a little part inside me that wanted to meet him and ask him as to why he had left us? Didn't he love my mum? If he didn't then why would he marry her? There were so many questions inside my head about my dad.

Since jisoo was the only child, her parents treated Jisoo's friend as their own children. Maybe, that was the reason why I adored Jisoo's parents so much.

"Good evening, Mr. Kim." I said whilst bowing.

"Y/n, no need to be formal how many times do I have to tell you that? Besides, don't call me Mr. Kim it makes me feel old." Jisoo's dad pouted. He could be a little childish sometimes. Nonetheless, he likes spending time with us, he makes us laugh, he also cooks for us, he can do just about everything. I wish I had a dad like that.

I smiled at him and nodded.

"Stop being childish, honey! We all know that you are old, so act your age instead of messing around with kids." Jisoo's mum said.

"Who are you calling old? I am still as handsome as I was in my college days, not a single hair is out of place, old lady!" Jisoo's dad mocked her mum.

"Yah! Stop calling me old lady, if anybody is old here it is you!" Jisoo's Mum fired back. I chuckled at their silly behavior. Did I mention I love this family?

"Okay mum and dad, we have had enough of your 'I am young' game. So will you two quite it now? Because right now you both are acting like a bunch of 8 year old." Jisoo said.

"Really?! I look like I am 8. I knew I looked young but I didn't know I looked cute as well! Thanks jisoo." Jisoo's dad said.

"That wasn't a compliment dad!" Jisoo stated. "Anway, I thought you brought ice cream."

"Oh, yeah! Here keep it in the refrigerator before it melts." His dad said as he handed jisoo the ice cream.

"Let me go and take a shower real quick then we'll start our movie marathon." He said and got up to go to the bathroom.

"Movie marathon? But we didn't plan anything like that." I said.

"Y/n, how could you think we will let you go without having some fun." Jisoo's mum wiggled her eyebrows. "Besides, lisa, jennie and Roseanne haven't visited us during this whole holiday, you are the first one who showed up at our house during the holidays, we haven't had some one around for a while now and we are sick of seeing jisoo everyday." She sighed over dramatically.

"Jeez, thanks mum." Jisoo said from beside me.

"No problem, dear." Her mom snickered. "I am going to teach lisa, jennie and rosé a lesson for not showing up. Next time they come over, I won't let them go that easily."

"I am here, girls!" Her dad called out. Wow now that is what I call real quick!

He sat on the sofa with us and said, "so, which movie?" He asked.

"I call for star wars!" Jisoo said.

"No I wanna watch either avengers or Harry Potter!" I said.

"Star wars!"

"Harry potter!"

"Nither star wars nor Harry Potter!" Jisoo's dad said.

"Then we are going to watch avengers, yes, I won! Sucks to be you jisoo" i teased jisoo and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Neither avengers." He mum said.

"Then what?" Jisoo and I asked simultaneously.

"We are going to watch animated movies!" Her dad yelled like a little girl.

"Of course, how could I forgot you both are suckers for animated movies?" Jisoo concluded.

"How about Scooby do? I haven't watched any scooby doo movie in a while." I admitted and looked at them with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah that is my y/n. She is a fan of scooby doo just like me." He said and chose a scooby doo movie before anyone could argue.

How nice it would have been if my mum hadn't had to do a job 24/7 and if I had a dad. We would have been watching a movie together just like Jisoo's family. Now I think of it, it is all dad's fault because he left mum. If he hadn't had left mum, she would not have needed a boyfriend and kim Haejin wouldn't have asked her to marry him. This all wouldn't be happening if my dad was here. Great, now the marriage is on my mind, again.



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