Chapter 160

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  Bell sprinted towards me, appearing in front of me in a matter of seconds. His arm swung, and his sword closed in on my neck. I elegantly ducked under it to dodge. The momentum of his blade changed in an instant, and it turned back toward me.

  "Woah!" I spun and kicked. My foot stopped his blade, and I heard Bell click his tongue before jumping back while slashing. I dodged the attack and turned my attention to the glowing reddish-black bar that rested under my Mana.

  It was barely a quarter full, but that small amount unlocked one skill for me to try—Dark Slash. I just needed to wait for an opening to use it.

  "Maybe I don't need my hands to defeat you," I provoked. "You seem pretty weak."

  "Screw you!" Bell charged at me and unleashed a flurry of attacks. I dodged some and parried others with my kicks until his sword began to glow green. "It's over!" He arced the sword before unleashing three rapid and consecutive slashes. The ground was gouged out, and dust covered the area like a thick fog blocking the audience's sight. "What?" Bell choked fearfully as he turned his head.

  "Huh," my eyes glowed brightly through the dust. His body shook as he saw me squatting in the air on a ripple while looking down at him. "How sad." I chuckled before vanishing into the dark of the dust.

  "Where did you go?" Bell shouted as he looked around in a panic. "Don't run, coward!"

  "Hehehehe...." My laugh echoed all around him. "Hahahahahaha!" I appeared in front of him with a wicked smile.

  "HNGH!" He stumbled back onto his bottom and pressed himself to the ground as I leaned over him.

  "Run?" I chuckled at the word. "Who?" I stood straight and stared at the sky. "Me?" My shadow began to slink like a river, morphing as it took an irregular shape. Bell watched in frozen fear as he took note of it. "From who?" I leered down at him. "You?" I scowled as I said the word. "Don't make me laugh!" I shouted. "Why would I run!" I demanded more than asked. "Why would I cower!"

  "What are you?" Bell whispered as he stared into my eyes. The dust around us settled, and the audience once again was able to see us.

  "What is this?" The announcer gasped. "Has Kichirou turned the tide of the battle? What happened? The dust blocked our sight."

  "What am I?" My hair covered my eyes as I smiled.

  Dodging the extra hits had increased my rage bar before I got to activate the skill I wanted, but it allowed me access to a spell instead. The incantation was deeply ingrained in my mind despite never using it before.

  "I am a servant of the void," I started.

  "Impossible..." the announcer whispered dumbfoundedly as darkness began trailing from my body and danced like ribbons with the wind.

  "Everything the light touches, so too must the dark." My shadow began expanding, covering the ground like a gaping hole of darkness, ready to swallow everything that fell in. "I beseech thee to arise, my shadow, and swallow the light."

  "This is..." The announcer's voice shook. "Stavia!" She shouted. "Who is he?" 

  "That's simple," Stavia calmly replied. "He's my hero."

"Reclaim what was once yours and return the land to everlasting darkness." My shadow began to rise into the air, slowly forming a dome of black that blotted out the sun. "Just kidding." I chuckled as I jumped back. My shadow returned to normal, and my spell was canceled. "Don't tell me you thought I was actually going to use that." I smiled. "That would just be overkill for a weakling like you."

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