Chapter 134

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  "Wait, why do I have to do this?" I asked.

  Korah had dragged me out to their training arena behind the guild. My party, as well as the other guild members and adventurers had followed. They all spoke about the fight to come.

  Of course, all bets were against me. In fact, they were pitying me. They commented on my weak Mana output and that they could tell I was level thirty as compared to the Guild Master's ninety.

  I didn't want to fight in the first place. Not because I couldn't win but because there was no point. If I had gone all out on Korah, the fight would have been over instantly. But I knew I couldn't embarrass the Guild Master like that without drawing curious and suspicious eyes, nor could I play the fight out and win by 'chance.' No, what I had to do was lose in style.

  I would put on a fight and give Korah a run for her money, only to lose in the end. She never stated I had to win to attempt the dungeon. She simply said I had to prove myself strong enough. That was something I could do. I used Observe to read her stats.

Korah Valentina Age: 28 
Class: Spellsword         Race: Human

Title: Guild Master of Asmonia

The Guild Master of the Asmonian Kingdom. A Human who developed the class Spellsword due to her legendary weapons ability. It allows her to infuse her sword with magic and use the spells stored within without incantation.

        Level: 93    
Strength: 38,345       Agility: 42,651    Vitality: 30,123       Magic: 49,083
Defense: 26,214        Luck: 80      

  "Oh?" I thought as I read her description. "Her sword allows her to store spells within it to make use of them later? I wonder if there's a limit to the spells it can hold."

  "Most likely not," Azrael commented. "As a legendary weapon, its limit knows no bounds. Take Rei, for example. Her skill Gambit is unique in the fact it makes every strike critical and increases your damage delt based on your luck stat. However, as with all legendary weapons, it comes with a drawback. Like yours.  When Gambit is active it activates the Risk ability, which makes every strike on you critical."

  "Yeah," I sighed in thought. "That's why I haven't used her as much as I should. Sure, she dishes out a shit ton of DPS, but if I get hit, I'm dead, or close to it."

  "That's true, but the fact is that your luck stat is so inordinate that you always survive with one health, even if you were at one health when hit. You're basically immortal."

  "It's called plot armor," I grumbled in thought. "I'm not actually immortal."

  "Regardless," Azrael continued. "The point is that every legendary weapon has a drawback to its ability. You just need to find out what hers is."

  "I see." I smiled.

  "Can you not look at me with those dead eyes of yours?" Korah remarked. "And you have to do this to prove your strength."

  "Why do I have to prove anything to you is what I'm asking. What do you care if I clear the dungeon or die doing it?"

  She shrugged before replying. "I don't. It would just make me look bad if I let someone as weak as you attempt the dungeon without at least testing your ability."

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