Chapter 138

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  The next few days passed without much going on. We were unable to quest due to our affiliation with the Prostetian Guild, and any other work was done by the adventures that lived here so they could be paid. We couldn't even go monster hunting because there was a chance we would clear a quest by accident.

  Usually, I'd say, who cares? If I accepted a quest that asked me to slay fifteen goblins in a specific area and I went to see they were already dead, I'd collect the proof I needed and leave with an easy victory. But that wasn't the case in Agarthia. You couldn't claim victory for a quest you didn't complete because, like in video games, they had a tracking system.

  In my HUD, whenever I accepted a quest, it told me my mission. If I needed to collect or kill things, it showed me a counter as proof of completing those requirements. Your current active quest also showed on your adventures ID, and that was how the Guild received proof of your monster culling or herb collecting.

  Of course, you also needed to collect the ears of goblins, tails of Draconians, and cores of slimes as proof of killing them. I didn't know why the two were required, but I assumed it had to do with your getting paid.

  You were paid for the labor of the quest as well as the delivery of the parts or items, which the Guild used for whatever they needed.

  Either way, because of the boredom and inability to do anything, Han and I had found ourselves sparring every day in the late evenings. Because of our location and the fact the others watched us, I couldn't go all out like we usually did.

  I knew it annoyed Han having to fight me while I held back. He always said it didn't feel like an earned victory and, "Maybe you could have actually won this time if you had tried." Of course, I wouldn't have. Unless he allowed me to use magic in our fights, he would always overpower me.

  ""Ohhhhhhhh!!"" Sora and Rubellia flinched as Han's uppercut to my stomach lifted me off the ground, and he straight-punched my rib, sending me flying.

  "Owwwwww!" I complained as I slowly rose to my feet.

  "Darling!" Nia chirped as she skipped towards me. "Your training is over, right? Right?" Her emerald green eyes sparkled like jewels as her face closed in on mine.

  "It is." I grabbed her collar and pulled her on top of me.

  Her purr vibrated loudly as she pressed herself to my chest. I could feel it vibrating my entire being as she spoke. "I'm sure you're hungry."

  "Starved." I replied.

  Her small fangs gleamed in the sun as she beamed a smile at me. "Then you can eat me for lunch." She meowed.

  "Mmm," I grunted softly, my eyes glowing. "Thank you for the meal." I nibbled on her ear softly.

  "Nyooooo!" Her finger clasped my shirt as she moaned. "Y-you know that's not what I meant." She pouted as I chuckled.

  "Maybe for dinner," I smiled at her with a closed eye. Her tail swayed as she nodded.

  "What are you two talking about?" Sora asked as she stood over us with a dark atmosphere.

  "Why does it sound like you're talking about something sexual?" Ruby scowled.

  Nia and I looked at each other before laughing softly. "It's nothing," I said. "Nia just likes to cook for me, that's all."

  "Then why did she say 'eat me?'" Sora asked.

  "Because," Nia straightened herself like royalty from where she sat on top of me. "As a Nekomorian custom, we always put a little bit of love in each dish we cook." She lunged at me and bit my neck softly.

Why Did the God of Love Choose Me!? VOL 1-3Where stories live. Discover now