Chapter 139

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  The next few weeks went the same as every day. I would spar with Han in the evening, and at night, the girls would join me in bed.

  When it came to Ruth, she was there sometimes, but not every night. As the highest-ranked adventurer in the Guild, she received quests that sometimes took her days to complete, but when she returned, it was only her and me.

  It wasn't like I wanted that, but rather, she forced it. Ruth was...well, she was scary, to say the least. Not even Nia argued with her when she would steal me away to her room and subject me to all forms of monstersous pleasures, none of which I taught her.

  What I mean by that is, if she had come from Earth, she definitely would have been a porn addict. The things she knew were the same things I knew because of Kichirou's memories. All the sexual pleasures the people on Earth participated in but had never been thought of in Agarthia, she somehow knew.

  She truly was an obsessive woman. Every night, she would tell me how she had dreamed of this during her time away from me. How she always thought of new ways to please me and for me to please her, and that our time away from each other was like never-ending torture.

  Regardless of Ruth's obsessive nature, I had come to enjoy her company. She was funny, believe it or not. It wasn't a normal funny, but a dark or inappropriate humor, as one would say. She made jokes like a man would on earth.

  There was one time when I had been watching her cook, and the grease popped. She turned to me and said, "That's what you make my pussy do."

  I replied. "What? Pop?" She responded by making a popping sound with her mouth, which made me laugh in response. Her language was highly vulgar, but I liked it. I found it amusing. The other girls, not so much.

  With that being said, today marked day five since Ruth had gone on her quest, and she had yet to return. I was worried about the fact, but I did my best not to show it.

  Why was I worried? It was because Ruth had returned every evening on the fourth day, but it was the evening of the fifth. I calmed myself, telling myself she was fine and that she may have gotten easier quests before that only took her four days; this one was just taking longer.

  I told myself that until the ninth day.

  "I'm going to the Guild," I stated as I stood from the sofa suddenly.

  "Nya?" Nia's eyes widened from where she had fallen to the floor. She had been resting on my lap until I had gotten up. "But why?" She asked. "It's not like we can do any quests."

  "That doesn't mean I can't ask around," I replied as I made my way to the door.

  "Ask around for what?" Sora asked as she and Nia followed after me. Ruby and Han had gone to nap, having been bored, and Nana and Nora had joined them not long before.

  "Ruth," I replied.

  "Darling?" Nia started with a smile. Her claws dug into my wrist as she grabbed it. "Are you obsessed with a Human?"

  "What? Obse-No!" I rebelled.

  "Really?" Her eyes narrowed with her pupils. "Because even after she returned from her quests, you spent a lot of time laughing and talking with her and nyot me."

  "She's funny." I scowled. "And I enjoy her sense of humor and her air of maturity despite her obsession with me and her vulgar speech." She reminded me of me on Earth, of Kichirou.

  I knew that she was his type. Maybe that was why I felt the way I felt for her, why I was worrying for her. Long ago, I thought my obsession with cat girls was because of Kichirou, but that wasn't the case. It was mine, and it always had been.

  My obsession with them was simple to explain. As an Evolved Monster and as a rabbit who was attracted to Humans, Beastkin were the best of both worlds- an amalgamation of Human and animal. My Nekomorian obsession came from one I had met many many years ago.

  She was a maid for a Duke. He assaulted her many times, and one day, during my search to aid Azrael, I discovered that fact. He and his entire estate were burned to the ground, and I freed her. She rewarded me kindly. Very...very kindly. I could never forget how she licked my fur all over while enjoying ourselves in our true forms.

  But Kichirou wasn't like that. He liked girls like Ruth. A woman he could joke around with like she was his male best friend. One that he could talk about sex with or make sexual jokes without the girl getting flustered or embarrassed. A girl with a foul mouth and no filter. Ruth was his type of girl, not mine. But since I was him...I guess she was my type? My second type.

  "You must really like her to praise and defend her so much," Nia growled.

  "It's not like that." I sighed with crossed arms. "Well, sort of, but it's more complicated tha-NGH!" I bit my tongue as her lip gnarled, exposing her white, pointy canines. "You know cat girls reign supreme to me!" I fell to my knees, begging for forgiveness. "The way I can pull your tail and have you make different noises based on how hard I pull, your flexibility, the way your purr reverberates through my entire body like liquid ecstasy, those tiny, adorable canines, that rough tongue, your long, slender frame,"

  "B-Bunny." Her face flushed red.

  "Those pupils that look at me like prey, the way you meow or chirp when you talk or get excited, the way the tip of your tail flicks when you're embarrassed or annoyed, the way your ear flicks when you're nervous or lie-"

  "O-okay!" She meowed with a red face as she covered my mouth. "I get it. Y-you have a lot more to say about me than her." She smiled and purred. "I guess I really don't have to worry about her taking my spot as number one."

  "NEVER!" I shouted. "NEVER!!!"

  "Kichi!?" Sora quickly covered my mouth as I continued to shout. "Calm down! You're acting like a fool in public!"

  I struggled in her grip until I broke free. "No! I will inform this land just as I have in the Prostetian Kindgom! Cat girls-"


  "EEEEEEEEEEK!" I squeaked as she whipped at me.

  "Sit!" Sora demanded. I dropped down to all fours and sat. "Lie down." I lowered myself to the ground, and she stepped on my head. "Now behave!"


  "There he goes again," a man muttered.

  "I've seen him act like that four times this week."

  "Why is he barking like that?" A woman asked in disgust.

  "That's probably why that girl is trying to whip him into shape."

  "It's the other way around!" Tears fell from my eyes. "She's whipping me TO act like this!"

  "Good boy." Sora smiled maliciously as her foot pressed harder onto my head.

  Nia looked at me curiously before a sinister and conniving smile exposed her teeth. I feared that smile as I recognized it well. She had thought of something to try in bed that she knew I wouldn't like.

  "L-Lets just get to the Guild!" I squeaked as I got up.

  "You're already here," Korah's voice was filled with disgust as she spoke.

  "EEEE!" I jumped.

  "And honestly," her face twisted into a mix of fear and sadness. "I'm glad you are."

  "Korah?" I replied after collecting myself. "What's wrong?"

  "Ruth," she whispered painfully. "I think...I think she's been taken."

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